2015 Financial Annual Report
The Engineering Department provides City services relating to transportation systems, garbage, recycling, water, sewer, drainage, district energy, land development, geographic information services, surveying and the management of real estate assets. The department has the responsibility for the following divisions/sections:
LAND DEVELOPMENT Land Development includes the Development Services section which prescribes required servicing of land and building development and the Inspection Services section which ensures that municipal engineering services are constructed to meet Council-adopted standards and requirements. The Counter Services section issues permits for miscellaneous construction to the public/contractors and manages engineering enquiries from the public. The File Registry section manages the department’s records. REALTY SERVICES Realty Services manages the acquisitions, dispositions, and development of the City’s real estate portfolio. It includes the Land Acquisition Section which is responsible for the timely acquisition of land and rights-of-way for capital projects and park purposes including land assemblies for civic purpose projects. Asset Management manages the City’s real estate inventory, which includes land inventory management, leasing and property sales. Realty Services also manages the City’s land appraisal and conveyancing duties.
OPERATIONS Operations’ maintains the City’s engineering infrastructure including roads, drainage, sewer and water operations. This division is also responsible for Surrey’s residential waste management and maintaining the City’s fleet of vehicles. UTILITIES Utilities plans for the current and future sewer, water and drainage needs for the City and assists the Design & Construction group in the delivery of sewer, water and drainage construction projects. They also lead the development and delivery of district energy, biodiversity conservation, cross connection control and erosion & sediment control. TRANSPORTATION | DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Transportation and planning needs are delivered through the Transportation Planning and Rapid Transit & Strategic Projects Sections. The Traffic operations and Parking Services Sections manage all aspects of the road network including traffic signals as well as off-street civic parking facilities. Design and Construction services are provided to both Utilities and Transportation Divisions.
2 0 1 5 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S
• Engineering delivered the construction of over $68 Million of infrastructure investment, spanning 185 capital projects that ranged from road widening, to traffic and pedestrian mobility and safety improvements, water and sanitary improvements, and flood protection works. • Enhanced the operation of the new Traffic Management Centre with development of operating procedures and expanded infrastructure, such as CCTV cameras at 75 new locations, for a total of 400 CCTV cameras. • The Engineering Department was the recipient of two project awards: the Province’s top award – Premier’s Award for Innovation and Excellence for Roberts Bank Rail Corridor; and UBCM Community Excellence Award for Best Practices, Excellence in Action for the Street Light Wire Replacement project.
• Finalized the agreement to construct the Biofuel Facility and commenced construction. Finalized the financial agreement with P3 Canada to receive 25% federal funding for the Biofuel Facility. Finalized the agreement with Fortis BC to sell and purchase biomethane produced at the Biofuel Facility. • Effectively assessed and remodelled the City’s approach to illegal dumping operations which will result in a 24% decrease in costs ($240,000) over a one- year period. Further refinements are being made which will achieve a cost reduction between 40%-50% on an annual basis. • Completed the Serpentine & Nicomekl Rivers Climate Change Floodplain Review (Phase 2) and identified and prioritized the future phases of the review in support of the Climate Adaptation Strategy.
• Commenced operation of the City’s district energy utility, ‘Surrey City Energy’, to provide service to its first two customers; designed and built new District Energy infrastructure to serve new development in the Surrey Central, King George and Gateway areas, including distribution piping, energy centre and energy transfer stations within the buildings. • Completed, with TransLink, design and costing work for business case development required for Federal and Provincial funding of 27 km of LRT in Surrey and Langley; the LRT project was successfully screened into Round 7 of PPP Canada’s P3 funding program. • Purchased $17.3 million in Parkland acquisitions, which resulted in 54 acres being added to the City’s park inventory during 2015. • Completed construction and moved into the new Engineering Operations Centre and Fleet Facility.
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