
City Manager

PUBLIC SAFETY STRATEGIES The Public Safety Strategies office is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the City of Surrey Public Safety Strategy, an evidence-based approach aligned with the vision and strategic goals of Council. The Public Safety Strategy fosters integration across all public safety portfolios in the City and is linked with the RCMP Strategic Framework, other strategic approaches in the City and the mandate of Provincial agencies and service providers in the City of Surrey. The Public Safety Strategy provides oversight and support to RCMP Support Services.  Supported Foresight Cleantech Accelerator Centre in establishing in Surrey the Advanced Resource Clean technology Innovation Centre, a $2.6 million federally funded initiative to stimulate cleantech innovation for Canada’s resource industry;  Established the ECONewton Clean Technology Innovation & Research Pilot initiative and continuing to work with major institutional and industry players to attract, retain, and grow cleantech business opportunities in the Newton Industrial Area;  Developed a first in North America value chain research initiative around increasing the industrial productivity of over 8,000 Surrey-based businesses by exploiting and up-skilling existing skills/ capabilities within these firms;

INVESTMENT & INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Investment and Intergovernmental Relations drives economic diversification and investment attraction by developing strategies, partnerships and programming in key sectors to enable sustainable economic growth. Investment & Intergovernmental Relations also ensures the City’s interests are effectively communicated to all levels of government and seeks to identify and maximize partnership opportunities with other orders of government, educational institutions along with the public and private sectors.  Led the administration and relationship management of the Innovation Boulevard partnership, including initiating an update to the governance structure to support its rapid growth;  Mental Health and Addictions – partnered with SFU to establish a Chair positon in Technology Innovations in Youth Addiction Recovery and Mental Health. Led the work of Mental Health & Addictions Committee;  Hosted the inaugural Greater Vancouver Clean Technology Expo & Championship on January 28, 2015 which attracted over $13,000 in cash ECONOMIC


prizes, 500 visitors, 38 BC clean technology companies, and 15 sponsors;



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