

This Reader’s Guide provides the reader with a basic understanding of the 2016 – 2020 Financial Plan and briefly describes the content and layout of each of the major sections of the document. The primary function of the Financial Plan is to provide detailed information about the City of Surrey’s funding requirements over the next five years. Furthermore, it serves the following functions:  It is a policy document, which outlines the financial policies that guide the development of the Plan and articulates financial priorities and issues;  It is an operations guide, which helps staff identify financial and staffing resources, manage day-to-day operations, and provides financial measurements and policy information; and  It is a communication device, which provides readers with a comprehensive look at the services provided by City departments and the costs attributed to those services.


Consequently, the Financial Plan presents all City and individual departmental accomplishments and future initiatives through these three pillars of sustainability. This presentation highlights the importance of the Sustainability Charter as a living document. Each of the Charter’s pillars supports a high-level or long-term goal. These goals reflect the long-range policy objectives that support the City’s vision for and commitment to, sustainability.

In 2008, Surrey City Council approved the Surrey Sustainability Charter as the City’s overarching policy document. The Sustainability Charter is built on three key pillars: Economic, Environmental and Socio-Cultural. The Charter stipulates that all City objectives and decisions must be considered based on their forecasted economic, environmental, and socio-cultural effects.



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