Planning & Development
Completed all needed climate reporting (corporate and community level energy use and emissions), with the Province of BC, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Partners for Climate Protection program, and through the City’s commitments to the Mexico Pact; Worked with Engineering to collaborate and broaden City outreach programs to Surrey Schools to integrate energy, water conservation and waste diversion objectives (linking with Rethink Waste and Operation Save H20). Developed program scope and engaged consultant in fall 2015 to begin outreach on this new program for the 2015-2016 school year; Continued to implement the Corporate Emissions Action Plan, and move towards the corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goal of 20% by 2020. As part of this effort: Compiled the 2014 corporate GHG emissions inventory in the Cool Tool; Completed 2014 Carbon Neutral Government reporting including determining means to offset the corporate carbon footprint; Finalized as part of reporting, the available GHG reduction credits for Vancouver Landfill gas capture, for organics diversion (yard waste only in Surrey), and for avoided forest conversion; and Explored and analysed new emissions inventory tools for City use.
Led the Workplace Conservation Awareness Program activities in City facilities and ensured that staff are supported in these efforts. Arranged for new facilities to come on board (New City Hall) and new program funding via BC Hydro; UBC Sustainability Scholar benchmarked corporate buildings in Energy Star Portfolio Manager to determine performance; Continued to support departments to better embed sustainability goals and actions into City operations, plans and programs, including through departmental work plans and service plans and the integration of sustainability indicators and targets; Continued to report to Council on sustainability considerations in Corporate Reports; Participated with SFU Surrey and KPU in a City Studio planning workshop and developed preliminary ideas and objectives regarding a Surrey-based model; Continued to identify partnerships with academic institutions to complete needed research in pursuit of the City’s sustainability vision and goals; Spearheaded the Sustainability Charter “2.0” update including facilitating staff engagement, Council and SMT direction, and significant community engagement; Continued to update, promote and improve the Sustainability Dashboard. Used the Dashboard to highlight trends and progress towards targets, and prepared 2014 annual Progress Report;
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