Planning & Development
ECONOMIC Implement complete on-line permitting system for single Family Building Permits; Continued enhancement of Open Data available to the general public; Work with the Agricultural and Food Security Advisory Committee to protect and enhance the viability, productivity and sustainability of agriculture in Surrey; Continue to ensure an effective Participate in the Municipal Collaborative for Sustainable Purchasing to identify best practices for local governments; Work on key product areas using research undertaken by UBC sustainability capstone students and by working with key suppliers and staff; ENVIRONMENTAL Review and update secondary plans to reflect changes resulting from development approvals and changing development conditions since adoption of these plans; Apply sustainability principles in new construction projects and retro-fit existing building systems to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions; Support the implementation of the City’s digital records management solution; development review process to achieve Council adopted plans;
Support the new business energy outreach program for local businesses being developed by Metro Vancouver and ensure that Surrey businesses can access and benefit from the program to reduce costs and energy use; Continue to develop the EcoNewton sustainability outreach initiative, in conjunction with Economic Development and other departments; Start the improvements of remaining space at the the Old City Hall to house expansion to Surrey RCMP detachment; Complete the Cloverdale Fairgrdounds Master Plan Review; and Continue to implement the Corporate Information Management System including Tempo Box for file sharing and a new e-mail management system. Encourage significant development applications in City Centre to plan a future connection to a district energy utility system created; Continue to implement the approved Community Climate Action Strategy, including moving forward with key priorities in both the Community Energy and Emissions Plan and the Climate Adaptation Strategy, such as the pilot density bonusing program in West Clayton and integration of adaptation into the new city-wide risk management framework;
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