SOCIO-CULTURAL Worked with the Planning &
Completed the Serpentine & Nicomekl Rivers Climate Change Floodplain Review (Phase 2) and identify and prioritize the future phases of the review in support of the Climate Adaptation Strategy; Worked with the Planning & Development Department and the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department to initiate the South Campbell Heights Land Use Plan; Completed construction of the Phase 1 drainage improvements in Crescent Beach; and Completed construction of Cloverdale Canal drainage improvements to improve agricultural drainage servicing. Initiate an update of the Engineering Department’s 10-Year Servicing Plan that incorporates the recommendations from the Asset Management Plan, Climate Adaptation Strategy and supports the vision of the Official Community Plan; Prepare a new Development Cost Charge By-law to support the financial requirements for the growth identified in the update of the Engineering Department’s 10-Year Servicing Plan; and Construct $14 Million in Drainage improvements, including storm sewer servicing, lowland pump stations and agricultural drainage improvements. Complete a Farm Irrigation Opportunities Study;
Development Department and the Parks, Recreation and Culture
Department to complete the Stage 2 West Clayton Neighbourhood Concept Plan; Worked with the Planning & Development Department to complete the South Campbell Heights Special Study Area Environmental Study; Continued to work with the Province to ensure that the dykes under the former management of the Colebrook Dyking District are being adequately maintained and inspected; Initiated an update of the Engineering Department’s 10-Year Servicing Plan that supports the vision of the Official Community Plan; development of a Regional Flood Management Strategy; Work with the Province to ensure that the dykes under the former management of the Colebrook Dyking District are being adequately maintained and inspected; Seek adoption of the Riparian By-law following public consultation; Upon completion of the Riparian By- law, develop a financial strategy to acquire the lands necessary to support the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy; Develop and implement the Engineering Department’s Asset Management Plan; ECONOMIC Continue participation in the
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