2016 City of Surrey Recreation Guide
Aquatic Leadership & FIRST AID
Bronze Star
10 -13 years
Bronze Medallion (BM) Prerequisite: 13yrs or Bronze Star Bronze Cross (BC) Prerequisite: BM
Bronze Medallion (BM) Prerequisite: 13yrs or Bronze Star Bronze Cross (BC) Prerequisite: BM
13 years & up
Emergency First Aid (EFA) OR Standard First Aid (SFA)
Standard First Aid (SFA)
14 years & up
Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Module 1 & Module 2 Prerequisite:15yrs, either Emergency First Aid or Bronze Cross, and Stroke Assessment Certificate prior to taking module 1.
15 years & up
National Lifeguard Pool (NL) Prerequisite: BM, BC & SFA
Fitness Theory Module Prerequisite: 16yrs
Lifesaving Instructor (LSI) Prerequisite: 16yrs, BC or NL Strongly recommended: WSI
National Lifeguard (NL) Waterpark Prerequisite: Current NL Strongly recommended: CPR-C current
Instructor Aquafit Module Prerequisite: Fitness Theory, Fitness Theory Exam completed, Registered with BCRPA, First Aid must be current
16 years & up
Bolded courses are required to be a lifeguard and swim instructor for the City of Surrey.
Information Session Lifeguard Info Sessions Learn about opportunities for aspiring
Aquateers J O I N T H E
BE PART OF OUR TEAM Contact a Surrey Indoor Pool in your area to register for a 1 hour information session. PARENTS WELCOME Learn about career opportunities for aspiring Lifeguards and Instructors at Surrey’s six indoor pools! Find out about the courses you need to be a lifeguard & swim instructor. DISCOVER OUR AQUATIC VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Did you know that British Columbia high school students can use Bronze Cross, Lifesaving Instructor and National Lifeguard certifications for credit toward high school graduation?
Lifeguards and Instructors in this information session. Find out about the training process and volunteer opportunities. NEWTON 1 Session All Ages W 6:00pm-7:00pm Jul 6 4481468 Newton Recreation Centre SOUTH 1 Session All Ages Su 6:00pm-7:00pm Aug 14 4481469 South Surrey Indoor Pool GUILDFORD 1 Session All Ages M 6:00pm-7:00pm Sep 5 4483339 Guildford Recreation Centre
Aquateers are volunteers who assist with swimming lessons, special events, and aquatic fitness classes. Whether it’s leading the public in water games, providing support with stroke correction and water safety or gaining valuable instructor experience, Aquateers learn new skills while having fun. Volunteer where you want to work and be part of the team, whether you’re working towards becoming a lifeguard or simply love being at the pool.
National Lifeguard (NL) Training & Fitness Do You Want To Be A Lifeguard?
Can you swim to the bottom of the pool and bring a 20 lb brick to the surface? Can you swim 400m in 10 minutes? Can you tow a person 25m? This 2-hour program was developed for people wanting to pursue lifeguarding as a career and prepare for the National Lifeguard (NL) Pool course. FLEETWOOD 1 Session $15.75
Earn school credits for volunteer experience Create relationships with a potential employer Wide variety of shifts and flexible hours Learn from our highly trained staff
Gain confidence interacting with children and parents Develop valuable lifelong leadership and communication skills Positive team environment Be healthy, active and engaged Have fun!
NORTH 1 Session $15.75 W 6:00pm-8:00pm Jul 13 4481470 North Surrey Recreation Centre SOUTH 1 Session $15.75 F 1:00pm-3:00pm Jul 15 4481475 M 7:00pm-9:00pm Aug 15 4481474 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre
Tu 12:30pm-2:30pm Jul 5 4481471 Tu 7:00pm-9:00pm Aug 23 4481473 Sport & Leisure Aquatics GUILDFORD 1 Session $15.75 Th 7:00pm-9:00pm Aug 4 4481472 Guildford Recreation Centre
volunteer@surrey.ca | 604-598-5863 | www.surrey.ca/volunteer
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