Tots Fun Hockey
A fun and safe introduction to Canada’s
National Winter Sport. Your little
superstar will develop skills in Power
skating, passing and Puck Control with
the emphasis on fun. Participants must
have completed Level 4 Preschool Learn
to Skate before entering this program.
Full hockey gear is required.
FLEETWOOD 4 Sessions $28.50 3-5yrs
Tu 12:30pm-1:30pm Jul 5 4472539
Tu 12:30pm-1:30pm Aug 2 4472541
Sport & Leisure Arenas
SOUTH 4 Sessions $28.50 3-5yrs
M 4:45pm-5:45pm Jul 4 4472554
South Surrey Arena
Children's Fun Hockey
A fun and safe introduction to Canada’s
National Winter Sport. Learn basic ice
hockey skills including Power Skating,
puck control, and shooting techniques.
Participants must have completed Level 2
of Children’s Learn to Skate program. Full
hockey gear is required.
FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $62
Sa 2:30pm-3:45pm Jul 9 4472522
Sa 4:00pm-5:15pm Jul 9 4472523
Sport & Leisure Arenas
SOUTH 4 Sessions $28.50 6-12yrs
M 5:45pm-7:00pm Jul 4 4472558
South Surrey Arena
Power Skating Level 2
Are you looking for ideas and methods
to improve your balance, technique
and strength? Let our coaches teach
you to gain confidence using your
edges to increase speed, quickness
and acceleration. Come to class
prepared with full hockey / ringette gear.
Level 2 Children’s Learn to Skate is a
FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $80.25
M 4:00pm-4:45pm Jul 11 4472532
M 5:00pm-5:45pm Jul 11 4472533
Sport & Leisure Arenas
SOUTH 5 Sessions $57.50
Th 5:15pm-6:00pm Jul 7 4478229
South Surrey Arena
Powerskating Technique
and Conditioning Session
Do you need some extra ice to prepare
for your Ringette / Hockey Tryouts? Let us
help get your edge back before you head
into pre-season. Intermediate skating skill
and full ringette/ hockey gear required.
SOUTH 2 Sessions $30.70 10yrs+
M 12noon-1:00pm Jul 4 4481120
M 1:15pm-2:15pm Jul 4 4478191
M 12noon-1:00pm Jul 18 4481121
M 1:15pm-2:15pm Jul 18 4478188
South Surrey Arena
Skate n’ Score!
This program teaches on ice
fundamentals of power skating and puck
control. Increase your level of speed,
quickness and acceleration while scoring
more goals by using our shooting tips and
tricks. This program has an emphasis on
instruction and skill development. Full
hockey gear and level 2 Children’s Learn
to Skate required.
FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $62
Sa 5:30pm-6:45pm Jul 9 4481111
Sport & Leisure Arenas
Co-ed Learn to Play -
Level 1
This program is designed for beginner
to intermediate adult ice hockey
participants. Our coaches will help you to
develop skills to maximize your potential.
Learn techniques for power skating, stick
handling and puck control. Full hockey
gear and basic skating skills are required.
FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $67.50 19yrs+
Su 1:00pm-2:15pm Jul 10 4472530
Sport & Leisure Arenas
SOUTH 7 Sessions $67.50 19yrs+
Th 6:15pm-7:30pm Jul 7 4478211
South Surrey Arena
Co-ed Learn to Play -
Level 2
This program has been designed and
developed for the more advanced
adult ice hockey participant. This level
will teach advanced power skating
techniques, the basics of offensive
and defensive strategy and continue to
strengthen puck control. Full hockey gear
and intermediate level of skating skill is
FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $67.50 19yrs+
Th 6:15pm-7:30pm Jul 7 4472543
Sport & Leisure Arenas
Learn to Play - Women
This program is designed for women only
and focuses on basic Power Skating,
stick handling and puck control skills.
Whether you are looking to add skills
to your existing game or are learning
the sport, our coaches will offer ideas
and methods to improve your balance,
technique, strength and knowledge of the
game. Full hockey gear and basic skating
skills are required.
FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $67.50 13yrs+
W 8:15pm-9:30pm Jul 6 4472553
Sport & Leisure Arenas
This is a registered program for
scrimmage games. No instruction is
provided and full hockey gear is required.
Goalies Register under COED Scrimmage
FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $67.50 19yrs+
Sa 7:00pm-8:15pm Jul 9 4481107
Sport & Leisure Arenas
Scrimmage - Goalies
This is a program is for goalies to sign up
to play in the Coed Scrimmage. Goalies
are free.
FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions
Sa 7:00pm-8:15pm Jul 9 4481108
Sport & Leisure Arenas
Hockey Gear
This is a list of full hockey equipment REQUIRED
for all of our Children’s Hockey Programs
This is a non-contact COED hockey league with the emphasis on fun and sportsmanship. This league consists of; an on ice evaluation, multiple league games and one playoff game. Jerseys, Coaches and Referees are provided. FULL HOCKEY GEAR AND COMPLETION OF LEVEL 2 CHILDREN’S LEARN TO SKATE REQUIRED.Powerplay - Children
7 Sessions $134.75
Tu 6:00pm-7:15pm Jul 5 4472535
Sport & Leisure Arenas
Goalies - Children
For Children’s Powerplay Hockey
League Goalies.
7 Sessions $65.50
Tu 6:00pm-7:15pm Jul 5 4472536
Sport & Leisure Arenas
Powerplay - Youth
7 Sessions $134.75
W 5:30pm-6:45pm Jul 6 4472537
Sport & Leisure Arenas
Goalies - Youth
For Youth wanting to play goal for
Powerplay Hockey League.
7 Sessions $65.50
W 5:30pm-6:45pm Jul 6 4472538
Sport & Leisure Arenas
Ice Skating
Instructor Course
This exciting program is designed
for the individual that has a keen
interest in skating, a love for children
and the desire to learn the basics on
how to teach skating. Using unique
methods of teaching through games,
toys, imagery and most of all FUN,
this course will cover such topics as
teaching methods, class management
and communications. Sessions will
take place both on and off the ice.
FLEETWOOD 6 Sessions $250 16yrs+
Th-F, M-Th
9:00am-4:00pm Aug 4 4470413
Sport & Leisure Arenas
Face Shield
or Cage
Neck guard
Shoulder pads
Elbow pads
Hockey stick
Jock / Jill
Shin pads
Hockey pants
Hockey Socks
Sock tape
Hockey bag