in the Park
Historic Stewart Farm
Invite a friend and spend a Friday
afternoon at the Farm. Try outdoor
activities like lawn games and art
projects, then take tea on the verandah.
Program runs rain or shine.
Fridays, July 8-August 19 1:00pm-3:00pm
Drop in, Free
The Museum
Comes to You!
Meet the Surrey Museum at the library!
We’ve packed our suitcases with hands-
on crafts, vintage photos, real artifacts to
handle, and fun stories of Surrey’s past.
Touch, see and hear our history in the
home of your favourite storybooks.
Semiahmoo Library
Friday, July 8
City Centre Library
Friday, July 22
Friday, August 19
All ages, by donation
Music at the Museum
Jug Band Jamboree
Surrey Museum
What do you get when you blend
jazz, ragtime and Delta blues with
washboards, jugs and other vintage and
homemade instruments? Why, the unique
and unforgettable sounds of The Genuine
Jug Band, of course! Wear your overalls
and join us on the Museum’s lawn for an
evening of crazy fun and historic music.
Wednesday, July 20
All ages, by donation
Amazing Farm
Scavenger Hunt
Historic Stewart Farm
Show off your settler savvy and problem-
solving skills as you challenge friends
and neighbours in this race around the
Farm. Work through the activity stations
using your phone or tablet, then race
back for prizes and bragging rights. Must
check-in at the welcome table by 2pm to
ensure your spot.
Saturday, August 13
All ages, Free
Fibre Arts & Crafts
Surrey Museum
We’ll spin the story of the cloth you
wear with this family-friendly, fun and
interactive celebration of all things
fibre. Get hands-on with real looms and
spinning wheels, watch spinning, knitting
and weaving demonstrations, make take-
home textile crafts, and meet some furry
friends who give us the shirts off their
Saturday, August 13
All ages, Free
Surrey Museum
Give us a “P” for Pompom! Explore
four methods to create these fluffy
decorations – great for trimming hats,
slippers, mobiles and toys.
1 session Free
All Ages
Saturday, August 13
Kids Gallery: Water Surrey MuseumOn display to September 18
Try water-cycle pinball, explore the wall
of pipes and valves, and much more as
families discover where Surrey’s H2O
comes from. Alisha, Blaze and Stella the
Jay help kids explore Surrey’s rivers and
learn how water arrives at our homes
every day.
Eating in Elegance
Surrey Museum
On display July 12 - December 23
Early settlers brought very little from their
homelands, but precious table settings
were often carefully carried to the new
country. This sparkling display of silver,
china and crystal will take you back to
a time of elegance, tradition and fine
HeritageWe’re Sharing Surrey’s Heritage!
Want a day in the life of a historic farm? Unpack new
collections with us? Explore a facet of Surrey’s history
via a digital exhibit? We’ll connect the dots between the
past and present, offer quizzes and trivia games, unveil
digital exhibits, and more!
Surrey Archives surreyarchivesSearch Our
Database 24/7!
Vintage fashions? We’ve got it.
Early maps of Surrey? Check that!
Find these and more on the Surrey Archives &
Museums Online Access (SAMOA) search engine.
You’ll find non-stop access to over 20,000 historic
images, plus hundreds of artifacts from the City’s
collections. SAMOA’s search bookmarks, filters,
featured items, and clear design make searching
Surrey’s history a breeze.
www.surrey.ca/heritageand click on
SAMOAOnline Access to start your search!
Subscribe to Heritage
Would you like to receive e-mail
updates on programs, events and
exhibits at Surrey’s heritage facilities?
Are you a teacher or homeschooler
interested in heritage school programs?
Go to:
www.surrey.ca/heritageClick on Heritage Newsletter and enter
your name and e-mail address.
Discovery Saturdays
Discover the
Surrey Museum
in fun new ways with family friendly
celebrations of culture and history.
Third Saturday of each month, 1:00pm-4:00pm. All ages, by donation
Make a Splash
Race a sailboat, make a water cycle,
explore ocean sustainability and
then get hands-on with the water
interactives in the Kids Gallery.
Saturday, July 16
Tales from the
Enjoy honey-tasting, try on beekeeper
suits and get buzzy with bee-utiful
crafts as you hear tales
from the honeycomb.
Saturday, August 20
There’s More!
Look for more ways
to experience all that
Surrey’s heritage facilities
have to offer!
Arts & General Interest
Section under
Early Years |
Children | Adults
Check the Summer Day Camp brochure available at all Surrey
recreation facilities, or call 604-592-6956 for information.
See you this summer!
Historic Stewart Farm
July & August
Young pioneers show off their settler
savvy as they explore the Farm, put
hands to work building and doing
chores, and play like kids did 100
years ago.
Surrey Museum
Tuesdays-Thursdays July & August
Kids embrace their inner fire fighter,
gross themselves out being snot
scientists, explore a week in the life
of a Surrey Secret Agent, and more
at camps full of science, heritage
and fun.