Health and Fitness
W ’d v o e u o v t :
Tong Louie Family YMCA
14988 57 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3S 7S6
tonglouieymca.caAll-inclusive YMCA Memberships include:
• 10,000 square feet of strength and conditioning equipment
• A fitness consultation which provides one-on-one support
• A variety of drop-in pool activities such as Aquafit, recreational swimming and
lane swimming
• Access to other YMCA membership centres in Canada
• Access to facilities and programs from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on weekdays and
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on weekends/holidays
• Childminding and active children’s programming at convenient times of day
Y l a F e
Are you looking for new ways to be active—either on your own or as a family?
Because we are so much more than a gym
You have a lot to offer the YMCA: your time, energy and ideas. As a YMCA volunteer
you might lead an exercise class, mentor young people, fundraise, produce a special
event or advise on local issues.
The YMCA has personal trainers ready for you!
Working with a personal trainer will help you reach your fitness goals.
Membership Plus
Our Plus Membership offers extra amenities like towel service, toiletries, private
steam room & whirlpool and lounge with big screen TV and computer. Adult only
Life should be a bit easier
Let’s face it, sometimes life makes it hard to pursue a healthy lifestyle. That’s why the
YMCA Access Program offers financial assistance for individuals and families who face
barriers to joining our programs. After all, nothing should stand in the way of pursuing
a healthy life.
Looking for our adult
program listings?
Go to tonglouieymca.ca/adult or pop
by to pick up your on-site activity
guides. We have just the program to
help you reach your goals.
Join programs like:
• Group fitness classes such as
Yoga, Cyclefit and Zumba®
• Power Cycle
• Personal Training
• Pre & post natal fitness and
educational workshops
• Martial arts—Aikido, Karate
and Tae Kwon Do
• Outdoor running clinics
Ask for your free
Fitness Consultation
with one of our
personal trainers