2017 Fall Recreation Guide City of Surrey
Special Events www.surrey.ca/events
Mark the Date! Come join the fun at one of our five major festivals throughout the year. The city also hosts numerous local community events in each town centre. All of our events are family friendly, accessible and very often, free! For a complete listing go online, sign-up for E-news or follow us through Social Media.
August 12 Saturday 11am-3pm Amazing Farm Scavenger Hunt Historic Stewart Farm All ages Bring a team of friends or family and join in this race around the Farm. From skill- testing questions to pioneer chores, see if you can beat last year’s record holders. There’s prizes and bragging rights to be won! Be sure to check-in at the welcome table by 2pm to ensure your spot.
Sep-Dec Tuesdays 7pm−9pm Art Together September 12, 26; October 3, 17, 31; November 14, 28; December 12. Surrey Art Gallery artgallery@surrey.ca www.surrey.ca/artgallery If you’re a youth or young adult, the Gallery wants your help planning upcoming projects, programs, and events. This is a unique opportunity to design the type of art activities you envision, and to create do-it-together art projects with mentoring artists. Come enjoy some food, meet new friends, and make a difference in your community. Sep - Nov 10am-2pm Discovery Day Drop-in Monday September 25 Friday October 20 Friday November 3, 10 Surrey Nature Centre All ages 14225 Green Timbers Way 604-502-6065 www.surrey.ca/naturecentre Kick start your nature adventure with a Nature Guide in our Sky Room stocked with books, puppets and natural materials for hands-on exploration. Play and learn, then head outside to extend your adventure with discoveries in the forest. Rain or shine. September 2,9,16,23 2pm-3pm Saturday Nature Walk Drop-in Surrey Nature Centre All ages www.surrey.ca/naturecentre 604-502-6065 Join us for a family-friendly guided nature walk. Visit often to experience the seasonal changes along the trails of the Surrey Nature Centre and get to know the plants and wildlife who call this place home. Rain or shine.
August 18 Friday Surrey Youth Fest: Seeking Youth Performers Deadline: Friday, August 18, 2017 Guildford Recreation Centre www.surrey.ca/youthfest
E‑news Sign up at www.surrey.ca/enews and get all the latest City news, updates and event info direct to your inbox!
Perform at the City’s largest youth event of the year. Opportunities for musicians, singers, dancers, spoken word artists and other live performers on September 23.
August 18 Friday 6pm - late Movie Under The Stars Fraser Heights Recreation Centre Bring your family and friends, blankets and lawn chairs to our outdoor movie event! This year we will be playing the movie "SING". Don't forget to dress warmly! Pack a picnic or purchase snacks at our concession. August 31 Thursday 11am-2pm Splash Bash Wrap-Up Picnic Unwin Park All ages 13313-68 Avenue Drop-in www.surrey.ca/parkplay 604-501-5050 Celebrate the end of Park Play with outdoor sports, games, and music! Don’t forget your bathing suit to cool off in the spray park after! Rain or shine.
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18 FALL 2017 WWW.SURREY.CA/RECREATION 604.501.5100
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