2017 Fall Recreation Guide City of Surrey

Adults & 55+

Arts &General Interest

Photography Discover your camera’s technology and improve your photo-taking skills with an 19yrs+ M 6:30pm-8:30pm Sep 25 4531660 W 6:30pm-8:30pm Nov 1 4531661 Cloverdale Recreation Centre SOUTH 9 Sessions $102.50 19yrs+ Th 6:45pm-8:45pm Sep 21 4550735 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre Drawing Learn basics including the value scale, texture and perspectives. GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $44.25 19yrs+ Tu 7:00pm-8:30pm Sep 26 4550218 Tu 7:00pm-8:30pm Nov 7 4550219 Guildford Recreation Centre emphasis on composition. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $57 The Art of Drawing Develop your drawing skills as you progress through studies of observation, visualization, and perspective. One-to- one guidance will be given. All levels of ability are welcome to attend. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are experienced art educators and practicing artists. CITYWIDE 8 Sessions $83.75 16yrs+ W 7:00pm-9:00pm Sep 27 4552245 Surrey Arts Centre Painting with Acrylics Explore the properties, techniques and applications of acrylic paint in a variety of genres, from landscapes to portraits. Plan to discover or rediscover the endless joy of creativity. GUILDFORD 8 Sessions Member $53.50 Non-member $70.75 55yrs+ Th 1:00pm-2:30pm Oct 12 4547568 Guildford Recreation Centre NORTH 6 Sessions $68.25 19yrs+ Tu 6:00pm-8:00pm Sep 12 4550943 Tu 6:00pm-8:00pm Nov 7 4550954 Bridgeview Community Centre NORTH 7 Sessions $79.75 19yrs+ M 6:00pm-8:00pm Sep 11 4547184 NORTH 5 Sessions $50.50 19yrs+ M 6:00pm-8:00pm Nov 6 4547185 Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre NORTH 4 Sessions Member $34.50 Non-member $45.50 55yrs+ W 11:45am-1:45pm Sep 6 4547291 W 11:45am-1:45pm Oct 4 4547292 W 11:45am-1:45pm Nov 1 4547293 W 11:45am-1:45pm Dec 6 4547294 Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre Painting with Watercolours Explore the properties, techniques and applications of water-based paint and learn about dimension, pigments, glazing, 19yrs+ Th 9:30am-11:30am Sep 28 4531643 Cloverdale Recreation Centre Watercolour: Expressions in Transparency Explore this spontaneous medium with its properties of transparency and luminosity. The course will cover various subject matter such as landscape, still life, and figurative work. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are experienced art educators and practicing artists. CITYWIDE 8 Sessions $109.50 16yrs+ Tu 7:00pm-9:00pm Sep 26 4552265 Surrey Arts Centre soft edges and wet on wet. CLOVERDALE 8 Sessions $91

Oil Painting with Water Based Oils

Surrey is an Age Friendly City The City of Surrey values the diverse contributions of our aging population. Through respectful community engagement we collaborate with local organizations, levels of government, business, and most of all with seniors groups and individuals to ensure seniors, caregivers and their families have access to the resources and programs. The Seniors Advisory and Accessibility Committee, Chaired by Councillor Barbara Steele is a successful example of how a collective group of representatives of government, public safety, RCMP, Fire Services, non-profit organizations and seniors in the community can positively impact the lives of our aging population. In 2016 Surrey was officially recognized by the World Health Organization as an Age Friendly City. This recognition is a result of our commitment to the features of an Age Friendly Community and demonstrates our strong value and appreciation to our aging population. The City of Surrey offers a continuum of programs, services and events from prevention to intervention, available for all seniors, caregivers and their families. Seniors can enjoy a wide range of activities based on their interests and abilities.

Do you want to paint in oils but don’t like the messy clean up - this is the class for you. We use water-based oils with a fast drying medium that still have all the vibrant colours. One-on-one instruction. CLOVERDALE 8 Sessions $91 19yrs+ F 12:30pm-2:30pm Sep 22 4531642 Cloverdale Recreation Centre Abstract Painting in Oil and Acrylic Explore abstract painting through various approaches and techniques. Besides giving you a chance to express yourself through form and colour, it will help you in your realistic paintings. Use oil or acrylic - the only requirement is previous familiarity with the medium. CITYWIDE 8 Sessions $83.75 16yrs+ Tu 7:00pm-9:00pm Sep 26 4552183 Surrey Arts Centre Pottery for Beginners This course focuses on the fundamentals of the potter’s wheel and hand building for absolute and returning beginners. Clay can be used in different ways to create intriguing objects; learn techniques to express your creativity in a relaxed and friendly environment. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are experienced art educators and practicing artists. CITYWIDE 10 Sessions $206.75 16yrs+ W 2:00pm-4:30pm Sep 27 4553062 Th 7:00pm-9:30pm Sep 28 4553063 Surrey Arts Centre Pottery Play Night Come in and play with clay! Bring your husband, girlfriend, or tween and unwind with mud after a long week. All levels welcome, as well as younger registrants -- a more flexible pottery option. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are practicing artists and experienced at educators. CITYWIDE 8 Sessions $132.25 10yrs+ F 7:00pm-9:00pm Sep 29 4553064 Surrey Arts Centre instructional time -- ideal for students with some pottery experience! With an experienced instructor providing personalized instruction for the first half of the class, you can pursue your own wheel or hand building projects for the rest of the time in this individually-paced studio setting. CITYWIDE 7 Sessions $199.75 16yrs+ Sa 10:00am-2:00pm Oct 14 4553061 Surrey Arts Centre Continuing Pottery Practice and refine your wheel throwing and handbuilding techniques to create functional and decorative ceramic pieces. Develop your surface decorating skills using slip and glaze, as well as by adding and removing clay. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are practicing artists and experienced art educators. CITYWIDE 10 Sessions $206.75 16yrs+ Tu 7:00pm-9:30pm Sep 26 4553065 W 7:00pm-9:30pm Sep 27 4553066 Surrey Arts Centre Registered Open Studio Plus Half tailored instruction, half non-

Focus on Seniors Forums With a focus on prevention and awareness of elder abuse the City of Surrey Seniors Advisory and Accessibility Committee, staff and community partners host forums that raise awareness of issues as well as provide information and resources on subjects that include, Housing options and information, Transportation, Safety (includes, personal, home, transit and fire safety), Health and Wellness. Focus on Seniors Seminars In response to feedback about long days, we have developed seminars that are a maximum of three hours. These seminars provide information on all the topics such as Elder Abuse Awareness and Prevention, Housing, Transportation and Mobility, Safety, Health and Wellness. In partnership with community agencies, we are able to host these seminars in a variety of languages.

Mobile Outreach In an effort to bring resources directly to the community, these Mobile Outreach sessions are offered by request within various neighbourhoods in Surrey. The program is designed to increase awareness of services and resources and prevent isolation and abuse. International Day of Older Persons – October 1 In Canada we recognize October 1 through celebrations that acknowledge the contributions of the aging population to society. The City of Surrey hosts a concert at City Hall Theatre followed by light refreshments and throughout community recreation facilities workshops of various topics are offered.

For more details on the dates and locations of these events and activities please visit the website at www.surrey.ca/seniors

Senior Services Connector Resources and Referral for Seniors and Families

The Senior Service Connector Program provides trained volunteers at locations throughout Surrey and White Rock where they connect seniors and their friends and families to information about programs and services available to them in our community. If you need help filling out forms you must book an appointment. If no one is available at the site email directorofcsp@comeshare.ca or call our office 604-531-9400 ext. 204 and we can get a volunteer of staff member to assist you.

Bridgeview Com. Center Share and Care Social Chuck Bailey Rec. Centre Share and Care Social 2nd Wednesday Forever Young Seniors Lunch 4th Wed Fleetwood Community Centre Thursday

Newton Seniors Center 1st & 3rd Wednesday 10:30am-1:00pm Guildford Recreation Center 1st & 3rd Tuesday 1:00pm-3:00pm Fraser Heights Rec. Centre Share and Care Social Tuesdays 10:30am-12:30pm South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre 2nd Monday 9:30am-11:30am





City-wide Seniors Information For more information about Seniors Services in Surrey check out our website www.surrey.ca/seniors. Sign up for our e-newsletter at www.surrey.ca/econnect

84 FALL 2017  WWW.SURREY.CA/RECREATION  604.501.5100

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