2017 Fall Recreation Guide City of Surrey
LAST YEAR C ity of S urrey V olunteers CONTRIBUTED 75,587 HOURS
W ow!
That’s equivalent to over 3000 days of volunteerism. Let’s make 2017 even better.
This is part of a national campaign to celebrate volunteerism and Canada’s 150th Anniversary. Remember to take part and get connected by using #SurreyCanada150 Acquire volunteer hours, make new friends and develop your skills with these opportunities:
Surrey Youth Stewardship Squad Do you have an idea for an environmental project? Join our youth-led volunteer group and we’ll help make it happen. Plant trees, help wildlife, and more! You can drop-in and get started right away - email environment@surrey.ca for info. Education Docent Join our team at the Historic Stewart Farm or the Surrey Museum. You will help teach groups of school- aged children about history through interactive learning. Classes run in the morning and early afternoon Tuesday- Thursday. Email heritagevolunteers@ surrey.ca Parks Programs Get outside and connect with the community in a variety of parks opportunities. From beautification to play, parks have something for everyone. Email partnersinparks@ surrey.ca for more information. Bin Keeper Help bring park garbage bins to the curb and support the collection trucks. This helps reduce litter in local parks and keeps Surrey green. Email partnersinparks@surrey.ca for more information.
ESS On-Call Reception Centre Responder Join our dedicated rapid response team to provide support to your neighbours immediately following a disaster or emergency. This is an on call position that provides volunteers with specialized training and requires ongoing commitment. This is a City- Wide volunteer role with opportunities available in several Town Centres email volunteer@surrey.ca for info.
Nature Work Parties Drop-in and join volunteers caring for our urban forest. Remove invasive plants to prepare parks for tree planting in the fall. All ages; tools and training provided. Email environment@surrey.ca for dates and locations.
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