2018 Annual Financial Report
The City Manager’s Department provides advice and recommendations to City Council related to policies and emerging issues.The department assists in guiding the work of the other City departments, thus ensuring a coordinated and balanced implementation of Council policy and programs.The City Manager’s office ensures that Council resolutions are addressed in a timely and fulsome manner and provides effective financial management by monitoring the annual budget and the Five-Year Financial Plan. The City Manager’s Department ensures that Council’s priorities and high-quality sustainable City services are delivered on a consistent basis to the City’s residents and businesses. Through the Strategic Initiatives & Corporate Reporting function the Department provides coordination of key initiatives that span across multiple departments, including the Surrey Excels strategic framework. Consistency and high standards of corporate reporting, including regular reports to Council as well as periodic reports on organizational performance, are key functions of this department.
2 0 1 8 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S
• Completed Phase I of the Transitional Housing Plan adding 180 units of temporary modular housing accommodation to serve residents who were homeless or living in shelters. • Developed a master plan for key City-owned lands in partnership with SFU to advance Surrey City Centre as the second metropolitan centre for the region. • Responded to the direction of the new Mayor and Council to transition the City of Surrey from policing by the RCMP to a newly-created Surrey Police Force by reorganizing staff and creating a department of Policing Transition. • Coordinated grant opportunities and applications; significant grant applications in 2018 included $50 million supporting flood protection and climate adaptation, $50 million for a joint submission with the City of Vancouver to Infrastructure Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge, and $7.5 million for community-based programs to prevent youth involvement in gangs.
• Supported the successful commission of the Surrey Biofuel Facility which will allow the City to completely eliminate its net corporate greenhouse gas emissions by transforming organic (green) waste into re newable natural gas and organic compost for recycling; the Facility won several national and international awards including: the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Envision Platinum Award and the 2018 Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators’ Environmental Award. • Ensured that City staff provided all necessary information for senior government to commit $1.65 billion to fund rapid transit in Surrey; this funding has been allocated by the new Mayor and Council to the extension of the Expo Line SkyTrain.
• Supported and facilitated staff development and leadership/succession planning programs, one of the factors contributing to the City of Surrey receiving a Most Admired Corporate Culture award in 2018 by an international human resources group. • Prepared the 2019 budget and 2019-2023 Financial Plan for approval by the new Council in December 2018 in a very compressed timeline following the election of a new Mayor & Council. • Launched the Surrey Excels strategic framework outlining the City’s strategic initiatives and key measures to City staff.
• Successfully planned and delivered the 2018 civic election.
• Delivered a series of coordinated orientation sessions for the new Council on organizational structure, governance and legal aspects, Council procedures, budget processes and strategic planning priorities.
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