2018 Annual Financial Report
The Engineering Department provides city services relating to transportation, solid waste, recycling, water, sewer, drainage, district energy, land development, geographic information services (GIS), surveying and the management of real estate assets. The department includes the following divisions:
DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION The Design & Construction Division is responsible for delivering the Engineering Capital Construction Program and providing survey work. LAND DEVELOPMENT Land Development Services prescribes required servicing of land and building development including Inspection Services which ensures that engineering services are constructed to meet Council-adopted standards and requirements. OPERATIONS Operations maintains the City’s engineering infrastructure including roads, drainage, sewer and water operations including the City’s residential waste collection services as well as the City’s fleet of vehicles. RAPID TRANSIT & STRATEGIC PROJECTS The Rapid Transit and Strategic Projects Division is responsible for providing vision, leadership and oversight in managing and coordinating Rapid Transit and Strategic Projects throughout the City.
REALTY SERVICES Realty Services manages the acquisitions, dispositions, leasing and licensing of the City’s real estate portfolio. This includes the Land Acquisition Section including land assemblies for civic purpose projects. The Realty Asset Section manages the City’s real estate inventory as well as managing property appraisal and conveyancing duties. TRANSPORTATION Surrey’s Transportation Division plans and manages the multi-modal infrastructure and services. These sections include Transportation Planning, Traffic Management, Transportation Infrastructure, Road Safety, and Parking Services. This Division is also responsible for delivering GIS services for the City and Communications for the Engineering Department. UTILITIES The Utilities Division is responsible for planning infrastructure required to deliver important services to our City such as, district energy, sanitary sewer, water, drainage, and environmental services
2 0 1 8 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S • Secured land-lease agreements to facilitate three interim transitional accommodation sites (modular housing) in the City Centre, on a combined area of 4.6 acres, which provides 160 temporary housing units in support of the City’s transitional supportive housing initiative and the alleviation of street homelessness along 135A Street. • Received the Exceptional Performance Award in Public Works Safety by the American Public Works Association – the first time any Canadian city has ever won this award. • Received approval to pilot the use surety bond instead of cash or letter of credit as an alternate form of security for Servicing Agreement. • Worked with other City departments on Fraser River freshet preparedness, monitoring and community engagement. • Reduced illegal dumping costs by over 41%.
• Implemented the fourth year of Water Quality Monitoring for Adaptive Management Framework and the eighth year of the Boundary Bay Assessment and Monitoring Program. • Reduced inspection costs and increased efficiency by exploring the use of drone technology and GPS tracking to rapidly conduct dyke and flood box inspections. • Added 14 public and eight staff EV Charging stations through equipment upgrades and Federal funding incentives. • Successfully delivered $16 million in rapid transit early works capital projects on behalf of TransLink, on schedule and 30% under budget. • Awarded contract to expand our Road Weather Information System (RWIS) sites, and scheduled site installations. • Connected over 2.7 million square feet of new development to the City Centre.
• Established a Municipal Type Service Agreement with Semiahmoo First Nation to provide sanitary sewer and water for their existing community. • Replaced the Bridgeview Vacuum Sewer System with a more reliable system and providing impetus for development by removing one of the servicing constraints. • Commenced pilot education programs which included over 45 workshops with school classes to establish and develop education programs for the Surrey Biofuel Facility. • Started an Advanced Metering Infrastructure pilot in an effort to provide customers the opportunity to monitor their usage in real time.
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