2018 Annual Financial Report
The Investment & Intergovernmental Relations Department's programs and services include government relations, policy analysis, communications, economic policy and strategy, economic analysis, business attraction and sector development. The department also has responsibility for the following operational divisions:
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Economic Development division is responsible for producing and implementing the City’s Economic Development Strategy. The division identifies and develops relationships with key stakeholder groups in order to build a strong ecosystem that stimulates investment attraction, job creation, entrepreneurship development and innovation. The Economic Development team maintains current information about businesses in Surrey, and collects and analyzes local, regional and provincial economic data.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS The Intergovernmental Relations division is responsible for producing and implementing the City’s Government Engagement Plan. The division advances the City’s interests with all levels of government and identifies provincial and federal priority alignments and joint program opportunities.
2 0 1 8 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S • Aided in the completion of Water and Sanitary Sewer Servicing Agreements between Semiahmoo First Nation and the City of Surrey. • Successfully advocated to the Federal government for $7.5 million in funding to support gang violence prevention programs in partnership with Public Safety. • Participated in the Les Marché International des Professionels de l’mmoblier (MIPIM) 2018, one of the most significant real estate conferences in the world. Raised the City’s profile and showcase investment opportunities to a global audience of investors. • Ran a highly qualified professional video campaign across the Region and Cascadian Innovation Corridor, showcasing the talent working in Surrey and career opportunities made available through Surrey’s metropolitan transformation. The videos resulted in over 260,000 views and over 700 job searches in Surrey.
• Ran workshops to facilitate the entry of 38 new student farmers into the agri-innovation industry in partnership with the Agriculture Centre of Excellence at UFV and the John Volken Academy. • Released the Advanced Manufacturing & Innovation Economy Market Strategy, in partnership with SFU and KPU, with funding from the Labour Market Partnerships Program administered by the Ministry of Social Development & Poverty Reduction to develop an action plan to address skills gaps and labour market shortages. • Partnered with SFU to support local BIAs and Chambers of Commerce to develop and implement impactful community capacity building projects. • Participated in the Metro Vancouver-led evaluation of a regional prosperity initiative and a Vancouver Global regional investment attraction entity.
• Secured regular meetings between the Mayor and senior political leaders including Prime Minister, federal cabinet ministers and parliamentary secretaries, Premier Horgan and provincial cabinet ministers and parliamentary secretaries. • Convened roundtable sessions between local MPs and MLAs and the Mayor, Councillors and senior management. • Prepared and supported Mayor to represent Surrey’s municipal infrastructure and other priority needs at the Big City Mayors Caucus meetings. • Successfully increased the number of qualified investment leads by 371% between 2017 and 2018. Of all leads between the two years, 20% originated from the US. This number is increasing year-to-year showing a rising interest of American companies to secure land in Surrey.
• Secured the Fraser Health Authority as a full, contributing partner in Innovation Boulevard.
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