2018 Annual Financial Report
The primary functions of the Planning & Development Department are to prepare land use plans, bylaws and policies for consideration by City Council; and undertake application reviews and approval processes consistent with Council- approved plans, bylaws and policies in support of planned, orderly and sustainable development of the City. The Department’s mandate is accomplished through activities of the following five divisions:
ADMINISTRATION Administration provides general administrative support services, records management, customer services, budgeting, information technology deployment and support.
CIVIC FACILITIES Civic Facilities plans, designs and constructs new facilities, and maintains and operates the City’s existing building inventory, which includes redeveloping and modifying buildings, and administering an ongoing preventative maintenance program. The division leads energy saving initiatives throughout the City, including lighting and HVAC system upgrades. COMMUNITY PLANNING Community Planning develops land use plans and policies in support of the planned and orderly development of the City. The division administers the Official Community Plan (OCP), General Land Use Plans, Neighbourhood Concept Plans (NCP), Local Area Plans, zoning bylaw amendments and monitors the City’s growth management strategies. Community Planning also supports the Heritage Advisory Commission, Environmental Advisory Committee, Agricultural and Food Security Advisory Committee and the Social Planning Advisory Committee.
Area Planning & Development implements Council-adopted bylaws, approved secondary plans, and policies in relation to the use and development of land. This work involves receiving and reviewing applications and making appropriate recommendations for land development projects and preparing reports to Council. BUILDING Building administers Council-adopted bylaws and policies related to building construction. This work involves servicing residential and commercial building plan reviews, performing building, plumbing and electrical field review services, and the administration of the Tree Preservation Bylaw and sign bylaws.
2 0 1 8 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S
• Initiated a Community Planning Engagement Framework for public consultation.
• Received 1,068 development applications for rezoning, subdivision, development permits, development variance permits, and Official Community Plan development.
• Completed HVAC upgrades and/or lighting replacement with LED lighting at 6 facilities to improve energy efficiency. • Rolled out the BC Energy Step Code implementation plan (in cooperation with the City’s Sustainability Office) for improving energy performance levels in new buildings. • Introduced the Demolition Waste Disposal and Recycling Bylaw (in cooperation with the Engineering Department) and implemented procedures to ensure a minimum of 70% of demolition materials are taken to a licensed recycling facility or reused. • Reviewed the City’s tree protection and replanting policies to help meet the City’s tree canopy targets.
• Continued implementation of the All Our Relations Social Innovation Strategy, Phase 2 of the Surrey Urban Aboriginal Partnering Strategy.
• Approved the creation of 603 single family lots.
• Implemented Refugee Integration Strategy.
• Prepared and presented 298 planning reports to Council on development applications.
• Streamlined reviews and acceptance of specified BC Housing Building Projects to meet key homeless reduction objectives. • Completed accelerated inspections for emergency winter shelters.
• Continued the Land Use Contract (LUC) termination process, presented 4 LUC termination reports to Council. • Rolled a transition plan for the 2018 BC Building Code and provided training to all City building officials and plan checkers to ensure seamless implementation and enforcement of the new code. • Continued ongoing support and staff liaison to the Agriculture and Food Security Advisory Committee and the Development Advisory Committee. • Hosted the 3rd Annual Pie in the Plaza event to promote agricultural awareness. • Completed the building envelope and roof replacements at Fleetwood Community Centre to improve indoor conditions and energy efficiency.
• Completed the Affordable Housing Strategy.
• Completed Consultation for Guildford 104 Avenue Corridor Plan.
• Initiated Heritage Thematic Framework.
• Initiated Density Bonus Policy review.
• Completed Museum of Surrey expansion.
• Completed Rosemary Heights Central NCP Update.
• Continued as staff liaison to the Social Planning Advisory Committee and to the Heritage Advisory Commission. • Prioritized Surrey School District building permit applications to meet the increased enrolment demands within the City.
• Initiated Semiahmoo Town Centre Plan update consultations. • Initiated zoning bylaw amendments to support ground-level secured bicycle parking in multi-family developments.
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