2018 Annual Financial Report
The RCMP provides policing services to the City of Surrey. The Surrey detachment’s officers and support staff work with the community to identify and address local crime and safety concerns. The detachment responds to calls for service, conducts and participates in criminal investigations, intelligence gathering, and enforcement operations, and works to reduce the impact of crime on the community through education and outreach. The Detachment is structured as follows:
CORE POLICING Core Policing consists primarily of uniformed general duty members. They are first responders to emergency and non-emergency calls for service and also conduct community patrols and proactive initiatives. The division also includes several support units, including the Radio Room and Cellblock Operations. COMMUNITY SERVICES Community Services is the home of proactive enforcement teams and community safety and service teams focused on crime reduction and prevention, including Property Crime, Gang and Drug Enforcement teams, uniformed Traffic Enforcement, School Resource and Youth at Risk units, Special Events and Emergency Planning, Mobile Street Enforcement Team, district based Community Response units and a Diversity and Indigenous Peoples unit. INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES Investigative Services consists primarily of plainclothes members organized into specialized sections such as Serious Crimes, Unsolved Homicides, General Investigation support, Missing Persons, Robbery and Economic Crime Units, and also includes Interview and Target teams. The Vulnerable Persons Unit also fall under this division, providing specialized support with respect to domestic violence, mental health and victims of child abuse and sexual offences.
OPERATIONS SUPPORT Operations Support includes a number of specialized corporate and client service units, such as Training Section, Member Services, Professional Standards, Strategic Operations, Media Relations, and the Operations Review Unit. Detachment Operations also provides support to walk-in clientele and calls for service where police attendance is not required. SUPPORT SERVICES Support Services reports to the Policing Transition Department and includes operational communications (emergency 911 and non- emergency call taking and dispatch), records and exhibit management, court liaison, finance, information technology, crime and business analysis, facilities and fleet management, training and development, communications, and cellblock operations. Support Services also delivers various community services and programs including client (front counter) services, victim services, youth intervention, restorative justice and crime prevention.
2 0 1 8 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S • Responded to over 138,511 calls for Service. The average response time to emergency calls was just under 7.5 minutes. General Duty officers issued over 14,056 violation tickets and conducted 6,267 Street Checks as a result of proactive patrols in identified hotspots or problem areas. • Expanded the Surrey RCMP’s Gang Enforcement Team (SGET) to ramp up enforcement efforts targeting individuals associated to gangs and organized crime. • Developed an Inadmissible Patrons Program (IPP) to discourage and deter violent criminal activity in and around restaurants and licensed establishments. • Introduced the Yankee 30 program in partnership with the Ministry of Children & Family Development (MCFD). • Hosted the fourth Block Watch Symposium.
• Launched the Mobile Street Enforcement Team to provide a highly visible police presence focused on proactive enforcement and community engagement. • Partnered with Bylaws and other City departments to improve the health and safety of the most vulnerable people in the City Centre area and ultimately facilitate the relocation of those living in tents on 135A Street into supportive housing. The Surrey Outreach Team (SOT) and partners were recognized as Heroes of the Homeless at the Surrey Homelessness and Housing Society annual awards. • Welcomed Cambria, a new Accredited Facility Dog that specializes in being a calming presence for those who have experienced trauma. • Conducted a series of road safety enforcement and awareness campaigns targeting hotspots and high collision areas, as well as dangerous practices and behaviors such as speeding and distracted driving.
• Partnered with Surrey Bylaws to roll out new technology to help deter, detect and curtail property crime in the community. A revised Bylaw now compels pawnbrokers and scrap metal dealers to electronically report all property they intake through a new software system called RAPID (Regional Automated Property Information Database), which investigators can utilize to cross reference with police records to identify stolen property and suspected property crime offenders. • Welcomed 43 new volunteers to the community policing team. Surrey RCMP volunteers contributed over 10,732 hours assisting with community engagement events and participating in programs. Volunteers in the Auxiliary Program also contributed 4,745 hours assisting with over 112 major events and community engagement campaigns.
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