2018 Annual Financial Report
For the year ended December 31, 2018 [tabular amounts in thousands of dollars]
The City of Surrey is a diversified municipal government institution that provides a wide range of services to the citizens of Surrey, including Police Services; Parks, Recreation and Culture Services; General Government Services; Water Services; Fire Services; Sewer Services; Engineering Services; Drainage Services; Solid Waste Management Services; Roads & Traffic Safety Services; Planning and Development Services; Parking Services; Surrey City Energy Services; and Surrey Public Library Services. For management reporting purposes, the Government’s operations and activities are organized and reported by Service Area. Service Areas were created for the purpose of recording specific activities and related objectives in accordance with legislated requirements. City Departments and the activities for which they are responsible are reported in these Service Areas. The Departments listed in the segmented information, along with the services that each Department provides are listed below: Police Services The mandate of the Police Department includes enforcing laws, preventing crime, and maintaining peace, order and security. Parks, Recreation and Culture Services The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is responsible for planning, facilitating the development of, operating and maintaining high quality parks, recreation and cultural facilities and services. General Government Services – Mayor & Councillor’s Department, City Manager’s Department, Finance Department, Corporate Services Department, Surrey City Development Corporation, and Surrey Homelessness and Housing Society General Government Services includes those elements of the organization with responsibility for adopting by-laws, adopting administrative policy, levying taxes, acquiring, disposing and managing City assets, ensuring effective financial management, monitoring performance and ensuring that high quality City service standards are met. The Surrey City Development Corporation, which engages in the provision of consulting services, land development activities, property acquisition/disposal and asset management and the Surrey Homelessness and Housing Society, which focuses on addressing homelessness in Surrey through raising funds and the provision of grants to worthy projects also form part of General Government Services. Roads and Traffic Safety Services The Roads & Traffic Safety Utility provides effective managed transportation systems that serves the mobility needs of individuals and businesses and is safe, secure and supports the economic vitality of the City, and protects and enhances the environment. Water Services The Water Utility operates the water system and its primary responsibility, in partnership with the Operations Division and Metro Vancouver, is to supply clean, safe drinking water to the residences and businesses of Surrey.
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