2019 Summer Recreation Guide
Community Offerings
SETTLEMENT SERVICES IN RECREATION CENTRES We can help answer questions about: finding a place to live, jobs, schools, child care, health care, getting around, programs at Recreation Centres and more! Settlement services in various languages are delivered by DIVERSEcity, MOSAIC, Options Community Services, PICS and S.U.C.C.E.S.S in partnership with the City of Surrey. For more information, please contact 604-598-5708 or look for Services for Newcomers and schedules at surrey.ca Are You New to Canada?
Community Group Listing To find a group not listed here, call the Call Centre at 604-501-5100 and press “0” for assistance. The City of Surrey provides this space as a community service. To update your listing, please email your information to leisureguideads@surrey.ca. General Cloverdale Garden Club 604-882-1217 Darts Hill Garden Society www.dartshill.ca Play Bridge and/or Learn Bridge www.duplicatelite.ca Girl Guides Linda: 1-800-565-8111 Peace Arch Stamp Club 604-531-6041 www.stampclub.ca/peacearch Sources Connection Café www.sourcesbc.ca 604-785-5382 Surrey Ladies Newcomers & Friends Club 604-951-4948 surreynewcomers@hotmail.com Surrey Photography Club www.surreyphotographyclub.com Dance & Fine Arts Groups Aspire Fine Arts School 778-808-3691 www.aspirefinearts.com Dance West Parents’ Auxiliary Judy: 604-596-5069 Surrey Festival Of Dance 604-585-3320 Surrey International Folk Dancing Society www.surreyfolkdance.org surreyfolkdance@gmail.com Surrey Square Wheelers Square Dance www.surrey.squaredance.bc.ca Viking Family Folk Dancers Reidun Semi: 604-298-4367 White Rock Scottish Country Dance Club 604-888-7805 Outdoor/Environmental Surrey Trekkers Volkssport Club Sandi: 604-584-2980 www.surreytrekkers.com White Rock/Surrey Naturalists Margorie: 604-531-7147 Gymnastics Surrey Gymnastics Society 604-594-2371 Wayland Sports www.waylandsports.com White Rock Gymnastics 604-542-0386 Skating Cloverdale Figure Skating Club 778-952-6352 cloverdalesc@gmail.com www.cloverdaleskatingclub.com Newton Figure Skating Club info@newtonfsc.com www.newtonfsc.com North Surrey Skating Club www.northsurreyskatingclub.ca registerwithnssc@gmail.com White Rock South Surrey Skating Club 604-538-0109 www.wrsssc.com
Swimming BC Aquasonics Synchronized Swim www.bcaquasonics.com Cloverdale Tritons www.cloverdaletritons.ca Crescent Beach Swim Club www.cbswimclub.ca 604-583-2180 Ocean Pro Divers Scuba 604-538-5608 Pacific Sea Wolves www.pacificseawolves.com Peninsula Multi-Sport www.peninsulamultisports.com Semiahmoo Masters 778-829-7609 South Surrey/White Rock Divers www.southsurreywhiterockdivers.com 604-319-4770 Special Olympics 604-737-3078 www.specialolympics.bc.ca Surrey Knights www.surreyknights.com 604-377-7807 Surrey Orcas Water Polo registrar@surreyorcas.com www.surreyorcas.com Surrey Sea Lions www.surreysealions.com White Rock Amateur Swim Association www.wrasa.ca White Rock Wave Masters www.whiterockwave.com 604-594-9703 Hockey/Ringette Cloverdale Minor Hockey 778-565-1039 cmhaadmin@gmail.com www.cloverdaleminorhockey.com Semiahmoo Minor Hockey Association: admin@semihockey.ca www.semihockey.ca Sportability Sledge Hockey Ross: 604-599-5240 Surrey Eagles Hockey Club 604-531-4625 www.surreyeagles.ca Surrey Female Hockey Association info@surreyfalcons.ca www.surreyfalcons.ca Surrey Minor Hockey
Running Semiahmoo Sun Runners Tom: 604-536-1394
Theatre Fraser Valley Gilbert and Sullivan Society www.fvgss.org Music British Columbia Girls Choir Lynn van Zanten: 604-542-1698 bcgc@telus.net Lyric Singers 604-340-4353 www.lyricsingers.ca Northwood Jazz series www.northwood-united.org Audrey & Gerry Hall: 604 599 5990 Peace Arch Chorus (Sweet Adelines) www.peacearchsings.com Soundscape A mixed, auditioned, a cappella chorus Trudi: 604-535-1762 Surrey Children’s Choir 604-541-2519 www.surreychildrenschoir.blogspot.ca Surrey Youth Orchestras www.surreysymphony.com Email: gm.surreysymphony@gmail.com Historical Green Timbers Heritage Society www.greentimbers.ca Peace Arch Weavers And Spinners Ann: 604-541-8634 Sunnyside Acres Heritage Society www.sunnysideacres.ca Surrey Heritage Advisory Commission Marjorie Hamod: 604-591-4303 Surrey Historical Society Kathleen Moore: 604-538-6731 Surrey Professional Fire Fighters Pioneer Association Alf Shepherd: 604-535-3082 Tynehead Pioneers’ Association Kim Sharpre: 604-582-3309 White Rock and Surrey Naturalists’ Frances: 604-535-2642 West Panorama Ridge Classical Music Society Ann Ligertwood: 604-591-2103
Surrey Search & Rescue 604-572-6016 The Canadian Federation of University Women’s Club – North Delta/Surrey Lindac2@telus.net Eleanor at 604-589-3631 Valley Women’s Network Surrey and White Rock Chapters 604-530-7304 www.valleywomensnetwork.com Welcome Wagon Ltd. 604-317-3246 info@welcomewagon.ca www.welcomewagon.ca Women's Probus Club Arts & Crafts Arts Council of Surrey 604-594-2700 www.artscouncilofsurrey.ca Arts Umbrella 604-535-1127 www.artsumbrella.com Fraser Valley Potters Guild Diane: 604-530-1303 Fraser Valley Quilters’ Guild Carol: 604-274-2206 Jolly Yarners Knitting Club Janet Croker: 604-535-5186 Semiahmoo Arts Community Arts Council of White Rock & District 604-536-8333 www.semiahmooarts.com of White Rock & South Surrey 604-535-6214 LCE@shaw.ca www.Probus.org
Recreation Alexandra Neighbourhood House at Camp Alexandra www.alexhouse.net Guildford Athletic Association/ Softball & Soccer www.guildfordac.com Nordic Wrecks Cross Country Ski Club
Jill Richardson: 604-461-4873 Peter Charles: 604-444-3120 Peninsula Multisport Club Tammy Huguet
info@peninsulamultisports.com www.peninsulamultisports.com Recreation For People With Special Needs SPRC: 604-502-6321 Sahaja Yoga Surrey Inge or Allan Morrissey: 604-597-8311 Sharks Field Hockey Club www.surreysharks.ca Softball BC 604-531-0044 Southside Badminton Association Barb: 604-594-6145 Surrey Beavers Rugby Surrey Mini Rugby www.beaversrugby.com Surrey Football Club 604-356-2414 Surrey Lacrosse Association www.surreylawnbowlingclub.ca surreylawnbowling@hotmail.com 604-584-5777 & 604-574-0262 Surrey Minor Ball Hockey Association www.smbha.org Surrey Sailing Club 604-535-9463 Surrey Special Olympics www.sobcsurrey.org Surrey Ultimate League www.surreyultimate.ca Valley Outdoor Association alan.meggy@valleyoutdoor.org 778-899-2526 www.valleyoutdoor.org www.surreylacrosse.com Surrey Lawn Bowling Club
Semiahmoo Potters Society www.semiahmoopotters.com Surrey Art Gallery Association Joan Owen: 604-531-8118
Surrey Arts West Society 604-543-7049 Surrey Rockhound Gem & Mineral Club 604-536-6342 www.surreyrockhound.com White Rock and South Surrey Art Society 604-538-8893 White Rock and Surrey Writers' Club Email: wrandswc@gmail.com; www.whiterockandsouthsurreywriters. weebly.com
www.surreyminorhockey.com Surrey/White Rock Ringette www.surreywhiterockringette.com
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