City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


Additional details of planned capital projects can be found in the Capital Program section of this document.

11.0 CONCLUSION The 2024 - 2028 Financial Plan is a direct reflection of Council’s strategic priorities and direction in relation to property tax increases and general fiscal prudence. The 2024 budget process included community engagement, to solicit feedback on budget priorities, as desired by Council. Despite general property tax increases in 2024 to address Council priorities related to public safety and transportation and resource requirements to maintain service delivery, the City of Surrey continues to have one of the lowest property tax rates in the Metro Vancouver Region. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the exemplary staff that the City of Surrey is proud to employ. It is their hard work, dedication and commitment to the delivery of quality services to Surrey citizens and businesses that makes our City world class.


Kam Grewal, BBA, CPA, CMA CFO/General Manager Finance

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Executive Overview


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