City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the City Manager’s Department is to oversee and coordinate the work of the City’s administration to deliver City Council’s short and long-term objectives for the City. KEY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES CITY MANAGER’S: • Ensures that Council resolutions are addressed in a timely and fulsome manner; • Ensures effective financial management through the monitoring of the annual budget and the Five-Year Financial Plan and by reviewing the City’s financial performance throughout the year; • Ensures that Council’s priorities and high quality sustainable City services are delivered on a consistent basis to the City’s residents and businesses; • Provides advice and recommendations to City Council related to policies and emerging issues; • Assists in guiding the work in each of the City’s departments; • Oversees the management and administration of the City’s Emergency Operations Centre (“EOC”); • Ensures a coordinated and balanced implementation of Council policies and programs; and • Ensures consistency and a high standard of corporate reporting, including regular reports to Council as well as periodic reports on organizational performance. LEGAL SERVICES & RISK MANAGEMENT: Legal Services is responsible for providing legal services to City Council and all of the City’s departments. The City’s solicitors serve as court counsel, provide legal advice and render legal opinions on a wide variety of matters along with drafting and reviewing all forms of legal and legislative documentation associated with the business of the City. Provide consulting services to City departments on how to identify, plan for, and manage risks in their daily business. It provides service and expertise in the areas of risk identification and treatment, insurance, claims, litigation, and loss control. By incorporating effective Risk Management practices, the City is able to identify, manage and reduce the overall cost of risk.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | City Manager


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