City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



on climate risks and opportunities and align it with CCAS. Together, these plans and strategic documents guide the City moving forward and provide high-level policy direction. City of Surrey Plans and Strategies, including the Sustainability Charter 2.0 can be found on our website: ( sustainability-energy-services/ sustainability-charter)

With the Charter positioned as a high level document, more focused plans provide needed detail for implementing the broad sustainability vision. Several key plans have been developed to further guide our actions. For example, the Official Community Plan (“OCP”) is continuously updated and is aligned with the Charter, both in its content and organization around the eight themes of the Charter. The OCP also contains the City’s adopted greenhouse gas reduction targets. The CCAS supports the Charter and includes actions to align financial planning and decision making with climate targets and goals. Due to an increased focus on climate action, the City will continue to evolve its reporting

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Executive Overview


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