City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



• Collaborated with Fraser Health, Police and BCEHS to continue to support the mitigation of the opioid crisis through real-time overdose tracking and resource deployment. During 2023, 332 residential overdose follow-up visits (Second Responder Program) were conducted with 214 contacts made with patients or associates of the person who experienced overdose. The goal of the program is to offer the most appropriate support options, physical health referrals, counselling access, clinical treatment or recovery and harm reduction supplies, based upon each person’s specific needs and preferences; • Over 1,700 residences in proximity to parks with high density tree coverage were sent “FireSmart” messaging to encourage proactive efforts to reduce wildland urban interface fire risk; residents at residential fires has decreased by 77% since 2006 from 10.9 casualties per 100,000 residents to 2.47 casualties per 100,000 residents in 2023; • With an increased frequency of large scale emergencies, Surrey Emergency Program has provided 854 hours of emergency preparedness education to • The rate of death/injury per 100,000

• Distributed targeted fire risk reduction messaging to over 12,000 homes to reduce fire related deaths and injuries at residential properties; • Over 11,000 smoke alarm functionality verifications in 2023 to ensure residents have a working early alerting mechanism in the event of a residential fire. The current rate of 68.6% working smoke alarms found at

residentials fires has significantly increased from the previous rate of 38% in 2010;

Firefighter checking a smoke alarm

• Inspected 8,223 business properties and provided 7,734 safety educational inspection pamphlets to the business proprietors. This ongoing process bolsters the City’s efforts to improve fire code compliance and the resiliency of businesses;

the public to support an “all of society” approach to community resilience during emergencies;

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Fire


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