City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


parks—creating a cohesive hub in the rapidly growing Clayton Heights neighborhood. Achieving Passive House certification for a 76,000 sq ft. community center, a rare feat in North America, demanded a meticulous focus on energy efficiency. The compact design strategically minimizes surface area and orientation, shading, and spatial arrangement were carefully balanced to optimize energy performance.


The Climate Action Tracker ( was developed to provide information about the City’s progress towards achieving the targets, goals and actions established in the CCAS. The Tracker will help the City communicate and transparently report on progress, promoting accountability. Information from the Tracker will also be used for annual progress reports. The Tracker is a dynamic tool – its content will be continuously updated, and new features will be added as they are developed over time. In particular, additional measures and targets will be added to the Tracker to strengthen how progress is monitored and reported.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Executive Overview


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