City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



• Deliver new recruit training, additional emergency vehicle operator training and fire officer training to support the growth and succession of our suppression staff; and

• Further support the development of technical, leadership and administrative skills to ensure all staff

are equipped with the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities for each stage of their career.


• Implement a health surveillance and cancer screening program for all staff; and • Maintain Second Responder Program collaboration with Fraser Health Authority and continue cooperation with the BC Centre For Disease Control

(BCCDC) in the delivery of our Take-Home Naloxone program.

Peer diffusing sessions post incidents


Ongoing promotion of Surrey Fire Regional Dispatch services to prospective clients. Continue to

Continue to prepare for potential changes to City fire bylaws and related processes for alignment with anticipated Fire Safety Act regulatory changes.

prepare for and implement technology changes to stay ahead of requirements for the transition to Next Generation 9-1-1; • Fire Hall replacement and expansion planning to add capacity for growth

and enhance public safety in the context of fire first response for the citizens in the City; and

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Fire


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