City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


The City of Surrey is the second-largest city, by population, in British Columbia. It is located in the Metro Vancouver regional district at the crossroads of the Pacific Rim, and just north of Washington State, USA. Surrey’s population grows every year and has a rich ethnic diversity, which flourishes in this vibrant community. Visitors and residents alike, enjoy Surrey’s

natural beauty of green forests, tranquil rivers and spectacular parks. With its agricultural heritage and economic growth, the City of Surrey is proud to declare its vision of “a thriving, green, inclusive city” and proclaim “the future lives here”. SURREY FACTS

Size - The third-largest city by area in the province, Surrey is approximately 317 km 2 , an area almost equal to that of Vancouver, Richmond and Burnaby combined (344 km 2 ). Land Use - Surrey's land use is approximately 49% residential, 36% agricultural/conservation, and approximately 14% commercial/industrial which also includes areas of mixed employment. The remaining 1% includes Surrey's Town Centres and Central Business District in Surrey’s City Centre. PlanSurrey 2013: The Official Community Plan is intended to guide the development of the City’s land use over the next 30 years. As such, this plan is updated frequently to respond to both current conditions and emerging trends. It builds on the Town Centre designation to support the development of each of Surrey's Town

Centres outside of the City Centre as the primary commercial, institutional and civic hearts of their communities. Population - Surrey is also one of the fastest growing major cities in Canada, with growth averaging over 10,877 people per year for the past five years. A large proportion of this growth is due to immigration. The current population is estimated to be 610,483. Business - Surrey City Council’s “open for business” attitude is attracting international attention. Over 22,500 businesses are based in Surrey, and almost 3,086 new business licenses were issued in 2023. Investors are taking advantage of Surrey’s diverse economy, skilled labour force and excellent regional and international distribution links.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Community Profile


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