City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


6. UTILITIES OPERATING FUNDS ……………..……………………………… Page 291 This section contains information about the various utility operating funds the City operates and contains subsections providing information for each and their respective operating bylaws. 7. CAPITAL PROGRAM …………………………………………………………… Page 373 This section provides the reader with an overview of capital contributions available, along with the types of capital expenditures and the capital planning process. An overview of ranked capital projects is also included along with the full Five Year Capital Plan and the Capital Financial Plan Bylaw. 8. GLOSSARY ……………………………………………………………………… Page 409 This section provides the reader with an alphabetical list of terms used in the Financial Plan along with their definition.

South Surrey Athletic Court

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Executive Overview


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