City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


Annual flat rate utility accounts are billed in late February and are due by April 2nd of each year. Late payments are subject to a 5% penalty if not paid by April 2nd and a further 5% penalty if not paid by July 2nd.

Metered utility accounts are billed every four months (three times a year) and are based on a metered consumption and a base charge. Payments are due by the 2nd of the following month and late payments are subject to a 5% penalty.

Surrey's utilities have several different categories of users and each category has a separate rate schedule. The rates listed below are for Single Family Dwellings ("SFD"):

located within a SFD is subject to an additional $168 per year for refuse collection. 2024 SEWER RATES The current metered sewer rate is $1.7777 per cubic metre of discharge volume, which represents a combined change in GVS&DD and the City's portion of sewer charges of $0.2257 per cubic metre of discharge volume (14.5% combined increase). This will equate to a total increase of $69.88 per year for the average metered single-family dwelling that discharges 309.6 cubic metres (86% of 360 cubic metres of average water consumed) of sewage per year. The sewer utility rate for non-metered customers will be increased based on the ‘average' discharge of a non-metered customer of 688 cubic metres (86% of estimated 800 cubic metres of water consumed) and reflects the rate increase $0.2257 per cubic metre of discharge volume. A residential flat rate customer will see an increase of $155.28 per year. 2024 DRAINAGE RATES All properties are subject to the Drainage Parcel Tax. The current rate is $246 for residential properties.

2024 WATER RATES The current metered water rate is $1.2704 per cubic metre, which represents a combined change in GVWD and the City's portion of water charges of $0.0465 per cubic metre (3.8% combined increase). This will equate to a total increase of $16.74 per year for the average metered single-family dwelling that consumes 360 cubic metres of water per year. The non-metered or flat-water rate (i.e. the rate charged to customers that do not have a water meter) will be increased based on the 'average' consumption of water by non-metered accounts and reflects the rate increase of $0.0465 per cubic metre. The consumption by non metered residential customers is estimated to be 800 cubic metres per year. A residential flat rate customer will see a $37.20 per year increase. 2024 WASTE COLLECTION RATES Residential refuse collection is provided by the City for properties within collection areas at a cost of $337 per year for a SFD. The service is billed on the annual property tax assessment, due July 2nd. Residential properties located outside local collection areas and all commercial and industrial users, must arrange for their own collection services through private contractors. Each secondary suite

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Community Profile


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