City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Committees, Boards and Commissions meet to discuss relevant and important issues that affect Surrey residents. Some groups are formed organically through citizen engagement, while other groups are formed through a provincial mandate. In both cases, the intention of such groups is to help the City of Surrey operate as a representative, efficient and transparent local government.

COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEES Council Standing Committees are committees that include only members of Council as a membership. • Audit Committee • Council-In-Committee • Finance Committee BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Boards are legislated committees that each municipality is required to have, with volunteers appointed by Council. • Surrey Heritage Advisory Commission • Board of Variance • Surrey Public Library Board • Surrey Police Board TASK FORCES Task Forces are generally short term committees organized based on current community needs. • Focus Newton Task Force

COMMITTEES Select Committees are committees with generally one Councillor as a chair, and volunteer members appointed by Council. • Agricultural and Food Policy Committee • Arts and Culture Advisory Committee • Environment and Climate Change Committee • Investment, Innovation and Business Committee • Livability and Social Equity Committee • Parks, Recreation and Sport Tourism Committee • Public Safety Committee STAFF COMMITTEES Staff Committees do not have a member of Council sitting on it and are fully organized by City staff. • Advisory Design Panel

City Hall Plaza

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Organizational Profile


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