City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN The Official Community Plan (“OCP”) is a statement of objectives and policies that guide City planning decisions. Taking a comprehensive and long-term perspective, the Plan provides guidance for: the physical structure of the City, land use management, economic and residential growth, transportation systems, community development, provision of City services and amenities, agricultural land use, environmental protection, and enhanced social well-being. The plans and policies contained in the OCP are set within the overall framework of the Sustainability Charter and are consistent with its principles and goals. The OCP sets out an overall vision of a sustainable future for Surrey over the next 30 years. Government Act and adopted by City Council as a City bylaw. On an annual basis, the Official Community Plan is reviewed to ensure that it contains relevant information and fully considers the City’s evolving nature. PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURE STRATEGIC PLAN The Parks, Recreation & Culture Strategic Plan is a framework for decision-making and sets direction for decisions relating to identifying demands, needs and issues regarding the delivery of parks, recreation and culture services to the residents of Surrey. The OCP is established under the authority of the Province’s Local


The Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (“BCS”), recognizes Surrey’s biodiversity as a key foundation of a healthy, livable and sustainable City. The goal of the Strategy is to preserve, protect, and enhance Surrey’s biodiversity for the long-term. Department's 10-Year Servicing Plan establishes engineering infrastructure projects that support projected growth and the needs of the existing population. The servicing plan is developed based on various planning documents, including the Official Community Plan and approved Neighbourhood Concept Plans. ECONOMIC STRATEGY 2024 The strategy focuses on how the City will become a modern, highly-livable, world class city, with a primary goal of creating one job for every resident worker in Surrey. The Strategy's priorities include investment attraction and readiness; employment lands optimization; innovation, talent, and workforce; and local business, vibrancy, and distinct communities. SURREY PUBLIC LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLAN The Surrey Public Library Strategic Plan provides a framework for the delivery of services, including access to local and global information and ideas, encouraging literacy and supporting lifelong learning for all Surrey residents. 10-YEAR SERVICING PLANS The City of Surrey Engineering

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Organizational Profile


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