City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


Surrey Police Board

Surrey Police Service Norm Lipinski

Chief Constable

- Establishment of Surrey Police Service - Policing Operations

General Manager Social Infrastructure &

Community Investments Terry Waterhouse

- Economic Investment Services - Indigenous & Government Relations - Housing & Social Development - Strategic Initiatives & Investments

the Board

Executive Director of Melissa Granum

- Board management and administration - Policies and Reporting - Delegations to the Board

- Management of Service and Policy Complaints - Head of FOI requests for the Board

Parks, Recreation & Culture Laurie Cavan

General Manager

- Recreation Services - Culture - Parks

- Healthy Communities

Commissions & Council Committees

Legal Services & Risk Management Philip Huynh

General Manager Planning & Development Don Luymes

- Business Transformation - Community Planning & Sustainability

- Development Planning - Building

City Manager

Robert Costanzo

Mayor & Council

Joey Brar

Citizens / Customers

General Manager

Corporate Services

- Information Technology - Human Resources - Legislative Services - Marketing & Web - Bylaw Services - Civic Facilities

- Policing Support Service

- Administration

- Strategic Initiatives

- Corporate Reporting

Fire Chief

Larry Thomas

- Administration - Operations

- Communications - Mechanical - Support


Brian Edwards


- Core Policing

- Community Services

- Investigative Services - Operations Support


Kam Grewal

General Manager

- Financial Services - Financial Reporting & Payroll - Revenue Services

Surrey Library Board

Chief Librarian

General Manager Engineering

Surinder Bhogal

- Library Board - Public Services - Administrative Services - Communications and Advancement - Collections and Technology

- Learning, Programs and Partnerships

Scott Neuman

- Land Development - Operations - Realty Services - Utilities

- Transportation

- Project Delivery

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Organizational Profile


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