City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES Examples of Sales of Goods and Services include items such as: • Secondary Suite Infrastructure Fees—fees charged on dwelling units in excess of one located within the structure of an owner-occupied single family dwelling; • Sales of Goods and Services from Parks and Recreation—fees collected from field rental, program registration, recreation passes, and skate rentals; • Administration Fees—fees on Land Development construction and servicing agreement processing; • User Fees—fees from water and sewer utility services, and solid waste removal; • Permit Fees—fees from building permits, electrical permits, and road closure permits; • Licence Revenue—fees from business licenses; and • Other Fees—fees related to Police security clearance checks, fire alarm response, tax inquiries, and other miscellaneous fees. INVESTMENT INCOME In 2023, the City's investment portfolio achieved an average yield of 4.29%. In its purchase of investments, the City is subject to the Community Charter as well as its own Investment Policy. The policy provides a framework for the City to maximize returns with minimal risk. The City's investments are classified as follows and depicted in charts by portfolio and category on the following page:

Long Term Portfolio The Long Term portfolio is comprised of investments with a term greater than two years and less than ten years. This portfolio represents 37.1% of the City's investments. Portfolio Mix The City’s investment portfolio consists of securities purchased from Canadian Schedule I Banks (82.6%), British Columbia Credit Unions (11.7%), and Cash Holdings (5.7%).

Short Term Portfolio Surrey's Short Term Portfolio is

comprised of investments that will mature within one year. This portfolio represents 35.7% of the City's investments. Cash Holdings account for 5.7% of the investment portfolio. Intermediate Portfolio The Intermediate portfolio is comprised of investments with a term greater than one year and less than two years. This portfolio represents 21.5% of the City's investments.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Financial Overview


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