Annual Report 2014
RCMP City of surrey Overviews
The RCMP provides policing services to the City of Surrey. The Surrey detachment’s officers and support staff work with the community to identify and address local crime and safety concerns. The detachment responds to calls for service, conducts and participates in criminal investigations, intelligence gathering, enforcement operations, and works to reduce the impact of crime on the community through education and outreach. The detachment is structured as follows:
OPERATIONS Operations consists primarily of uniformed general duty members. They are first responders to emergency and non-emergency calls for service and also conduct community patrols and proactive initiatives. The division also includes several support units, including: the Operations Review Unit, which reviews police investigations to ensure quality; Cellblock Operations; Detachment Operations, which provides support to walk-in clientele and calls for service where police attendance is not required; and the newly established Vulnerable Persons Section, which provides specialized support with respect to Missing Persons, Domestic Violence and Mental Health Intervention. INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES The Investigative Services Division consists primarily of plain‑clothes members organized into specialized sections such as Drugs, Property Crimes, Major Crimes and Special Projects Intelligence and Enforcement. This division also includes Investigation Support units focused on Gang Enforcement, Unsolved Homicides, and Special Victims and Sexual Offences.
OPERATIONS SUPPORT SERVICES Operations Support Services is made up of uniformed traffic enforcement and pro-active community policing members, including School Liaison and Youth-at-Risk teams and District-based Neighbourhood Liaison and Crime Reduction Units. The division also includes a number of specialized support units, such as Media Relations, Professional Standards, and Corporate & Client Services. SUPPORT SERVICES Support Services includes operational communications (emergency 911 and non‑emergency call taking and dispatch), records and exhibit management, court liaison, finance, information technology, crime and business analysis, facilities and fleet management, training and development, communications, and cellblock operations. Support Services also delivers various community services and programs including victim services, youth intervention, restorative justice and crime prevention.
2 0 1 4 A c c o m p l i s h m e n t s • Launched a new online reporting system that allows citizens to report less serious offences over the internet.
• Launched the Surrey Steps Up campaign to encourage community involvement in creating positive change in neighbourhoods to enhance safety and liveability. • Continued to partner with ICBC and Surrey Crime Prevention Society on the “Protect it, Lock it, Keep it” auto crime awareness and prevention campaign. • Introduced the Citizens Police Academy – a ten-week program designed to give residents an inside look into policing in Surrey.
• Hosted an inaugural Block Watch Symposium, in partnership with other City Departments and ICBC, to engage and mobilize over 350 community members around issues of public safety. • Conducted a series of Traffic Safety enforcement campaigns coinciding with hotspots and high collision areas and targeting dangerous practices and behaviours on our roadways. • Held Open House events at our District Offices during Police Week and Doors Open, and launched a new Pop-Up Detachment program to provide citizens with an opportunity to meet local police and see interactive displays on the work being done by Surrey RCMP.
• Conducted operational reviews and staffing analysis to identify workload and resource pressures, as well as opportunities for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. • Launched the “Observe it. Report it.” awareness campaign to educate the public on the importance of reporting crime and the various ways to report crime and suspicious behaviour. • Delivered 92 crime prevention presentations to 2,672 participants, as well as 43 community safety presentations targeting over 1,100 newcomers and refugees.
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