Annual Report 2014
City of surrey Overviews
City of Surrey Public Libraries
Surrey Libraries has nine branches, located in the six town centres: Guildford, Fleetwood, Newton, City Centre, Cloverdale and South Surrey, as well as in Strawberry Hill, Ocean Park and Port Kells. The Library collects and loans a wide variety of materials in print, audiovisual and electronic formats. Information Services staff help customers with collections, online databases, eBooks and eAudio, internet sites and other information. Customers can ask questions in person, by telephone, or email. The Library’s website provides links to community organizations in Surrey and to useful sites on the Internet. The library offers a wide variety of programs that support literacy, including story times for children, job finding and career workshops, reading clubs for children and teens, computer literacy classes, services for new Canadians and support for customers with print disabilities. Partnerships with local community agencies help to extend literacy programs beyond the Library’s walls. The Library is a member of the Public Library InterLINK, a federation of 18 library systems in the Lower Mainland that allows citizens to borrow directly from all partner libraries and to return materials at their home library branch. The department’s budgetary divisions include:
PUBLIC SERVICES Public Services manages the borrowing and information services offered through its nine locations, and plans, promotes and delivers a wide variety of programs. This division also acquires and manages the print and electronic collections to meet the needs of Surrey’s diverse community.
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Administrative Services manages the physical spaces, as well as the finance, human resources and information technology functions of the Library system, ensuring day-to-day service requirements are met. This division also manages the Library’s external communications and raises awareness and funds to support and enhance its community services.
2 0 1 4 A c c o m p l i s h m e n t s • Awarded GOLD status in LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) for the City Centre Library.
• Supported newcomer integration by offering English language learning materials and programs such as Library Champions, English Conversation Classes and Settlement Services. • 20,700 adults participated in library programs such as computer classes, book clubs, financial literacy seminars, and career workshops. • 131,400 children and teens participated in library programs such as Summer Reading Club, Story times, Lego, and book clubs.
• Created and distributed “Low Cost & Free” brochure, and worked with City’s Social Planning department for an interactive version on the website. • Highlighted our work in literacy through the 3rd annual Literacy Day Report, focussing on digital literacy initiatives at the library. • Set up ‘Curiosity Corner’ at Newton Library – an initiative to introduce iPads to families with young children.
• In partnerships with community groups and a grant from the Vancouver Foundation, launched six Little Free Libraries. • Celebrated diversity by inviting the community to participate in library-led Chinese New Year and Diwali events. • Launched “Read to Baby Program” – delivering 1,000 literacy kits to vulnerable newborns in Surrey.
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