COS Financial Plan 2018 - 2022
PARKS The Parks division plans, develops, and maintains the City’s extensive park system (over 2,725 hectares), a civic marina and three cemeteries. The division plays a key role in the stewardship of the natural environment and the engagement of our residents, through the delivery of a variety of outdoor programs, services and events, including nature-based education and stewardship programs, active recreation and play amenities. The division also provides advice and permits to community event organizers and facilitates the review of permit requests through Festivals, Events Service Team (FEST) Committee. SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE The Sustainability Office is responsible for implementing the recommendations contained in the Surrey Sustainability Charter with over-riding goal of making meaningful advances in sustainability in the City of Surrey to the benefit of present and future generations.
COMMUNITY & RECREATION Community & Recreation Services is responsible for the operation of a variety of community and recreation facilities as well as the delivery of programs and services to support lifelong health, wellbeing and engagement. This division, along with partners and volunteers in the Surrey community, facilitates and delivers programs and services that are accessible for seniors, youth, children and families. Community
& Recreation Services promotes participation through an inclusive approach reaching out to involve
members of Surrey’s diverse community, including people with disabilities, in all service areas.
MARKETING, COMMUNICATION, WEB AND NEW MEDIA The Marketing and Communications section supports the department and corporation by providing expertise, strategic guidance and services related to marketing and communications. Web and New Media supports the department and
corporation by providing expertise, guidance and services related to
enhancing the web presence and ensuring customers receive timely information from the website and social media.
Big leaf maple in autumn at Redwood Park
the future lives here.
2018-2022 Financial Plan
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