COS Financial Plan 2018 - 2022



 Natural Areas, Biodiversity, and Urban Forest

 Water, Air and Soil  Green Infrastructure


Performance Indicator Description

Park Land Area

Hectares of park land by type of park

Number of street trees and park trees planted per year, on public property (5 year average) Percentage of City land covered by tree canopy, not including the Agricultural Land Reserve Number of acres in the Green Infrastructure Network (GIN) that are protected as City parkland

Trees Planted by City

Tree Canopy Cover

Green Infrastructure Network

City Environmental Programs Participation

Hours of participation in city-run environmental programs, by program type

Air Quality

Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

Water Quality in Streams

Percentage of watercourses meeting Provincial water quality standards


 Health Services and Programs  Wellness and Recreation

 Food Accessibility and Capacity Building


Performance Indicator Description

Number of Parks, Recreation and Culture management system program registrations initiated online Registration in programs for children, youth, and adults offered by the City’s Parks, Recreation and Culture Department and Surrey Public Libraries

Online Registrations for City Programs

Registration in City Programs

Community Gardens

Number of garden plots in community gardens on City lands

Doctors per 100,000 residents for Surrey, on par with other major urban centres in the Province

Availability of Doctors

Current Smokers

Percentage of population 12 years and older that are daily or occasional smokers


 Diversity and Accessibility  Poverty Reduction  Housing

 Age-Friendly Community  Community Pride and Engagement  Social infrastructure and Innovation


Performance Indicator Description

Percentage of children and youth living in families with income below the Low Income Cut Off (LICO) Number of residents who are active and approved volunteers with the RCMP, Fire Services, Surrey Libraries, Emergency Program, and PRC Department Percentage of Children that are vulnerable in at least one of these five scales: Physical Health and Well Being; Social Competence; Emotional Maturity; Language and Cognitive Development; Communication and General Knowledge

Child Poverty

City Volunteers

Early Childhood Vulnerability

Licensed Child Care Spaces

Licensed daycare spaces per capita (0-12 year olds)

Tenant-occupied households spending 30% or more of household income on gross rent

Core Housing Need

Social Housing Units

Number of Non-Market Social Housing Units


Number of homeless in Surrey

Median Income for Immigrants

Measure of the economic and social well-being of Surrey's immigrant population

the future lives here.

2018-2022 Financial Plan

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