COS Financial Plan 2018 - 2022



 Secured property and Greater Vancouver Sewerage & Drainage District Board approval for the Surrey Residential Drop Off (RDO) / Eco- Centre;  Developed and implemented a Waste and Recyclable Materials Bylaw to increase waste diversion;  Developed and implemented a customer self-service portal (or app) for enhanced services for cart purchases and exchanges, and large item pickup requests; and  Piloted increasing the number of large items from 4 to 8 and additional categories of items (e.g., electronics, small appliances and tires) to reduce impacts on illegal dumping.

 Completed construction of the Surrey Biofuel facility (operations commenced December 2017);  Hosted four Pop Up Junk Drop events between June and July 2017 with approximately 1,000 tonnes of waste and recycled materials collected and 62% of this waste diverted from landfill. In addition, over 55 tonnes of reusable materials were recovered by non-profit agencies working with the City;  Made significant strides towards managing illegal dumping by reducing the number of incidents by 30%;  Through direct contact with residents, we have doubled our Large Item Pick Up participation rates from an average 15% a year to 30%;



 Reduce illegal dumping and associated costs by 50% over the next 5 years (Year 4 of 5).


 Implement the Surrey Disaster Debris Management Plan to ensure there is operational framework to manage large volumes of debris after an emergency event;  Become the first city in Canada to achieve zero waste in the next seven years; and

 Execute a contract extension with Waste Connections of Canada with enhanced services.

the future lives here.

2018-2022 Financial Plan

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