COS Financial Plan 2018 - 2022



 Completed research and development of a best practices model to support legalization of cannabis in municipalities;  Continued enhancing our integrated Resilience Team (SMART) to support vulnerable persons, conducted an evaluation of the project and finalized the funding proposal for the Integrated Services Network in partnership with the Province; and  Worked with property owners to bring into compliance 141 abandoned and nuisance properties. service model by increasing the capacity of Surrey Mobility and

 Implemented 10 new initiatives as part of the Public Safety Strategy for the City (e.g. Surrey Outreach Team, Gang Exiting Pilot and the Clayton Heights Activity Team);  Completed six public safety roll-out events across the City with 37 partners to raise awareness about the strategy and encourage participation by community members;  Developed a new model, the Surrey Outreach Team, for supporting vulnerable persons and responding to community concerns in the 135A Street area through a partnership model that responds to issues in the area and transitions people from the street to housing and other supports. The Surrey Outreach Team was awarded the Surrey Board of Trade “Team of the Year” Award in 2017;


 Partnered with Fraser Health Authority to deliver a series of eight training sessions for the community to support naloxone interventions in the case of overdoses, and supported several dialogues on the opioid crisis led by Sources Community Resource Society and the Vulnerable Women and Girls Group.


 Set up a Corporate Grants Team to share resources and information across departments with the goal of increasing the City’s success in attracting grant funding from a variety of sources and increasing revenues to support City initiatives.

 Completed the Surrey Excels Tier 1 (city -wide) Strategy Map through an intensive process involving senior management and staff groups from across all departments. Surrey Excels is a strategic management tool that provides a structure for aligning the City’s goals, objectives and strategies, and which includes a set of measures and targets to gauge our progress; and

the future lives here.

2018-2022 Financial Plan

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