COS Winter 2017 Recreation Guide
Think Ahead! If you would like to volunteer this summer, now is the time to apply. Most summer program training happens in the spring so begin your application today and don’t miss out! Volunteer Resources offers a wide range of professional development opportunities for City of Surrey volunteers as part of the Volunteer Development Program. Through tailored workshops, this program cultivates the City’s vision to build capacity in the community by offering opportunities for volunteers to learn, grow and lead. Develop with us! 2017 WORKSHOPS TO INCLUDE… Communicating Through Conflict 14 years+ Emergency First Aid & CPR C 14 years+ Emergency Preparedness 14 years+ FoodSafe Level 1 14 years+ High Five - Principles of Healthy Child Development 16 years+ I Am Game 16 years+ Introduction to Public Speaking 14 years+ Leadership Fundamentals 14 – 18 years
A NEW YEAR BRINGS New Opportunity! In 2017 you can make an impact in your community. Check out these great volunteer roles and get involved. For even more opportunity go to Adult Programs This year you can volunteer at a senior’s centre, lead a City Hall tour, facilitate English Conversation Circles, or provide educational resources to the 55+ community. City-Wide Special Events Our events account has reopened and has lots of opportunities in store. With over 70 community events and growing, there’s always something to do. Heritage Services Dress in period costume, assist in kid’s knitting programs or become a docent all while exploring Surrey’s rich history. Join today and connect with the Cloverdale and South Surrey community. Park or Forest Programs Become an urban forestry leader, play in a park or keep your local outdoor space clean. Join Partners in Park or Friends of the Forest and get outside.
Upon the successful completion of three or more workshops and 14 hours of volunteer experience with the City of Surrey, volunteers may request a Volunteer Development Program certificate (available on an annual basis in December of each year). For more information on workshops offered through the Volunteer Development Program and to register, please visit and click on the Volunteer Resources section.
Thank you to all of our Volunteers FOR MAKING 2016 A GREAT ONE! We can’t wait for everything that 2017 has in store! Without the help and passion from each of you we wouldn’t be able to make the impact that we do. You bring energy to all of our programs and always represent the City of Surrey in a positive light. Sincerely, The Volunteer Resources Team
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