COS Winter 2017 Recreation Guide
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We’re Sharing Surrey’s Heritage! Want a day in the life of a historic farm? Discover treasure as we unpack new collections? Explore a facet of Surrey’s history via a digital exhibit? We’ll connect the dots between the past and present, offer quizzes and trivia games, unveil digital exhibits, and more! Facebook Heritage Heritage SurreyBC
Early maps of Surrey? Check that! Find these and more on the Surrey Archives & Museums Online Access (SAMOA) search engine. You’ll find non-stop access to over 20,000 historic images, plus hundreds of artifacts from the City’s collections. SAMOA’s search bookmarks, filters, featured items, and clear design make searching Surrey’s history a breeze. Visit and click on SAMOAOnline Access to start your search!
Historic Stewart Farm @StewartFarm1 Surrey Museum @ASurreyMuseum Surrey Archives @SurreyArchives
YouTube Surrey Archives
Discovery Saturdays Discover the Surrey Museum in fun new ways with family friendly celebrations of culture and history. Third Saturday of each month, 1:00pm-4:00pm. All ages, by donation Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Memoir Info Session Surrey Museum
Break Under Construction Surrey Museum The Museum is expanding and we’re under construction! Play in our mack dig site, build structures with straws, learn about site safety and create and construct in our spare parts centre. Tuesday, March 14-Friday, March 17 Tuesday, March 21-Friday, March 24 10:00am-1:00pm All ages, by donation
Memoirs aren’t just for the famous! Get an overview of the memoir writing process because your life has been a unique adventure. Bring questions and consider signing up for the remaining sessions. 1 Session Free 16yrs+ Saturday, February 25 1:00pm–3:00pm Free Exhibitions COMMUNITY TREASURES My Disney World Surrey Museum On display February-June 2017 M-I-C-K-E Y… hum along with us! We’ve invited the local Disney fan club to share the Disney-branded items in their collections. From toys and games to movies and clothing, this small exhibit explores the wonderful world of Mickey and friends.
Celebrate Black History Month as we enjoy the musical wealth of the black community and recognize the contributions of Afro-Canadians in sport, politics, human rights and culture. Saturday, February 18
The Story of Stuff Surrey Museum Kids bring their grandparents to our Museum living room to touch and explore the artifacts. See if grandma and gramps have a story to tell while kids guess the objects.
Programs Heritage Family Days Historic Stewart Farm All ages, Free
Spring Cleaning Historic Stewart Farm
Beat the rugs, sweep the verandah, and wash the clothes – it’s spring cleaning time at the Farm! Try your hand at these housekeeping chores and more as you help us clean like a pioneer. Tuesday, March 21- Friday, March 24 12noon-3:00pm All ages, Free
Saturday, February 11 Sunday, February 12 All ages, by donation
MY SURREY Celebrate Family Day by discovering the lives of Surrey’s pioneering Stewart family. Play with toys like young William and John, taste baking from the woodstove and do farm chores like Mr. Stewart did. Monday, February 13 12noon-3:00pm AROUND THE HOUSE What kind of things can you find in a Victorian house? Get your hands on gadgets and thingamajigs, go on a scavenger hunt through the house, and gather round for story time. Sunday, March 5 12noon-3:00pm
Celtic Fest Surrey Museum
Get your Celtic on and celebrate the wearin’ o’ the green! You don’t need to be a Finnegan or a MacDonald to take part in this lively event. Be entertained by captivating Celtic music and dancing and get creative with Celtic crafts. Saturday, March 18 1:00pm–4:00pm All ages, Free
Visitors to the Surrey Museum can expect to see the beginnings of a construction site when the building reopens for the season on February 7. The Phase 2 expansion begins in January, making room for 12,000 square feet more culture! The new design will be an elegant ‘wood first’ structure with a breezeway connecting the new building with the existing museum. With ample glazing, visitors will be able to see into the Museum both literally and figuratively. New makerspaces and expanded community event space will create a community hub for tours, workshops and just hanging out—both indoors and out. The addition will include a flexible gallery for international travelling exhibits and local community-curated exhibits. Growing with the young population in Surrey, the existing sustainability- focused Kids Gallery will triple in size. Stay tuned to Facebook or for updates.
Book a Heritage-Style Birthday Party! We offer birthday parties in one-of-a-kind locations led by instructors who know how to party and know a thing or two about history. You bring the guests, presents and food, and we’ll provide the rest. Must pre-book at 604-592-6956. $15/child (birthday child is free) Surrey Museum Walk like an Egyptian, shiver your timbers Historic Stewart Farm Party like its 1899! Play old-time games and make a pioneer craft to take home. You supply the cake, and let the kids
like a pirate, ride like a cowboy or be queen for a day! Choose a theme, invite friends, and have a memorable day. Saturdays & Sundays Afternoons
churn the ice-cream. Saturdays & Sundays
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