Aquatic Leadership
Standard First Aid (SFA) Learn how to save a life! This comprehensive course covers: choking, wound care, strains, sprains and dislocations, breathing emergencies, sudden medical conditions, head and spine injuries, poisons, as well as treatment for chest pain, stroke, and shock. Includes CPR C and AED training for adults, children and infants. CLOVERDALE 2 Sessions $182.25 14yrs+ Sa-Su 9:00am-5:00pm May 27 4525460 Sa-Su 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 24 4525464 Cloverdale Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD 4 Sessions $182.25 14yrs+ M, W 5:30pm-9:30pm May 8 4525473 FLEETWOOD 2 Sessions $182.25 14yrs+ Th-F 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 1 4525477 Sport & Leisure Aquatics GUILDFORD 4 Sessions $182.25 14yrs+ Tu, Th 5:30pm-9:30pm Apr 11 4525469 GUILDFORD 2 Sessions $182.25 14yrs+ M-Tu 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 12 4525478 Guildford Recreation Centre NEWTON 2 Sessions $182.25 14yrs+ Sa-Su 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 17 4525488 Newton Recreation Centre NORTH 2 Sessions $182.25 14yrs+ Su, Sa 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 2 4525383 NORTH 2 Session $182.25 14yrs+ Su 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 23 4525382 North Surrey Recreation Centre SOUTH 2 Session $182.25 14yrs+ Sa 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 22 4525378 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre Standard First Aid (SFA) - Online Learn how to save a life! Learn online at your own pace from the convenience of your home, then come in for a skills evaluation session (bring your Online Certificate of Completion). Topics include: choking, wound care, strains, sprains and dislocations, breathing emergencies, sudden medical conditions, head and spine injuries, poisons, as well as treatment for chest pain, stroke and shock. Includes CPR C and AED training. CLOVERDALE 1 Session $178.75 14yrs+ Su 9:00am-5:00pm May 28 4525508 Cloverdale Recreation Centre GUILDFORD 1 Session $178.75 14yrs+ Tu 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 13 4525507 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 1 Session $178.75 14yrs+ Su 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 23 4525377 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre National Lifeguard (NL) - Waterpark Learn to manage the challenges of a waterpark environment including: waves, waterslides, and multiple pools. Prerequisites: NL-Pool (within 2 years), 16 years old, CPR-C (recommended within 1 year). Proof must be shown at course. FLEETWOOD 4 Sessions $285.50 16yrs+ F-M 5:00pm-9:00pm May 19 4523644 Sport & Leisure Aquatics GUILDFORD 4 Sessions $285.50 16yrs+ Sa-Su 9:30am-4:30pm Jun 17 4523645 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 4 Sessions $285.50 16yrs+ F-M 9:00am-4:00pm Apr 14 4523646 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre
National Lifeguard Aquatic Emergency Care
Emergency First Aid and CPR C Learn basic first aid skills to recognize and respond to people who are choking, have difficulty breathing and other topics such as the prevention of disease transmission, bleeding, chest pain, stroke, and shock treatment. Includes CPR level C and AED training. CLOVERDALE 1 Session $120.25 14yrs+ Sa 9:00am-5:00pm May 27 4525462 Sa 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 24 4525466 Cloverdale Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD 2 Sessions $120.25 14yrs+ M, W 5:30pm-9:30pm May 8 4525475 FLEETWOOD 1 Session $120.15 14yrs+ Th 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 1 4525484 Sport & Leisure Aquatics GUILDFORD 2 Sessions $120.25 14yrs+ Tu, Th 5:30pm-9:30pm Apr 11 4525471 GUILDFORD 1 Session $120.25 14yrs+ M 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 12 4525483 Guildford Recreation Centre NEWTON 1 Session $120.25 14yrs+ Sa 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 17 4525485 Newton Recreation Centre NORTH 1 Session $120.25 14yrs+ Su 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 2 4525385 Su 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 23 4525384 North Surrey Recreation Centre SOUTH 1 Session $120.25 14yrs+ Sa 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 22 4525381 M 9:00am-5:00pm May 22 4525491 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre
Emergency Child Care First Aid and CPR/AED This basic one-day course is designed for daycare professionals, teachers, parents and babysitters. It includes the latest in first aid and CPR guidelines. Participants will learn about airway emergencies, respiratory emergencies, head and spine injuries, severe allergic reactions, wound care, seizures, diabetic emergencies, environmental emergencies, poisons and how to keep children safe. Includes CPR level B and AED training. CLOVERDALE 1 Session $114.75 14yrs+ Sa 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 8 4525369 Cloverdale Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD 1 Session $114.75 14yrs+ Su 9:00am-5:00pm Jun 11 4525372 Fleetwood Community Centre FLEETWOOD 1 Session $114.75 14yrs+ Su 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 23 4525476 Sport & Leisure Aquatics GUILDFORD 1 Session $114.75 14yrs+ W 9:00am-5:00pm May 10 4525370 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 1 Session $114.75 14yrs+ W 9:00am-5:00pm May 24 4525371 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre
Take your lifesaving training to the next level! If you are planning to be a professional lifeguard this course will give you the edge. Learn hands- on training in the care of injuries and illness common in both aquatic and non-aquatic settings. Includes Standard First Aid, CPR C and AED training. Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion. FLEETWOOD 3 Sessions $212.25 13yrs+ Sa-Su 10:00am-5:30pm Apr 1 4525373 F-Su 10:00am-5:30pm May 5 4525376 Sport & Leisure Aquatics NORTH 6 Sessions $212.25 13yrs+ Tu, Th 5:00pm-9:15pm May 23 4525374 North Surrey Recreation Centre (NL) - Pool Intended for those seeking employment as a lifeguard. The NL program develops communication skills, a sound understanding of lifeguarding principles, good judgement, a responsible attitude and the skills and fitness required by lifeguards. Prerequisites: Bronze Cross, Standard First Aid with CPR-C, must be 16 years old by the last day of the course. Proof must be shown at course. FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $436.50 19yrs+ Tu 5:00pm-10:00pm Apr 4 4525356 FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $436.50 16yrs+ Sa-Su 10:00am-5:00pm Apr 22 4523642 Sport & Leisure Aquatics GUILDFORD 7 Sessions $436.50 16yrs+ Su,F-Su 9:00am-5:00pm May 28 4523643 Guildford Recreation Centre NORTH 7 Sessions $436.50 16yrs+ Su 10:00am-5:00pm May 7 4523639 NORTH 6 Sessions $436.50 16yrs+ Su-M,F-Su 9:00am-5:00pm Apr 9 4523640 North Surrey Recreation Centre Lifesaving Instructor (LSI) Successful completion of this course certifies candidates to teach and evaluate the Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross programs and is worth one Grade 11 High School credit. Prerequisite: Bronze Cross and 16 years old by last day of course. Proof must be shown at course. Recommended: WSI. FLEETWOOD 3 Sessions $294.25 16yrs+ Su, Sa 9:30am-6:00pm May 28 4525390 Sport & Leisure Aquatics GUILDFORD 4 Sessions $294.25 16yrs+ Sa-Su 10:00am-5:00pm May 6 4525388 Guildford Recreation Centre NEWTON 3 Sessions $294.25 16yrs+ Sa-M 9:00am-5:30pm May 20 4525392 Newton Recreation Centre SOUTH 4 Sessions $294.25 16yrs+ F-M 9:00am-3:30pm Apr 14 4525391 South Surrey Indoor Pool
Aquatic Leadership
National Lifeguard Instructor The NL Instructor (NLI) certifies candidates to teach and evaluate the NL Program. NL Instructors can also act as mentors to new lifeguard staff and provide a leadership role in staff inservice training. There is a pre-course assignment that must be completed in advance. Prerequisite: NL-Pool (current within 2 years and have recertified at least once), LSI (current within 2 years and have taught at least 2 Bronze Medallion/Cross courses), First Aid Instructor (strongly recommended), and 18 years old by last day of course. SOUTH 4 Sessions $462.50 18yrs+ Sa-Su 9:00am-6:00pm Jun 17 4525359 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre Lifesaving Instructor Trainer (LSIT) Lifesaving Society Instructor Trainers (LSITs) teach, evaluate and certify Lifesaving Instructor (LSI) candidates - they teach the teachers. These are experienced and knowledgeable Instructors who participate this clinic in preparation for their apprenticeship before being appointed as a Lifesaving Instructor Trainer. Prerequisite: 18 years of age, recertified LSI at least once, and has taught a minimum of 4 Bronze Level courses. GUILDFORD 4 Sessions $284 18yrs+ Sa-Su 10:00am-5:00pm May 6 4525358 Guildford Recreation Centre Head Lifeguard Course Are you looking to advance in Aquatics? Realize your role and responsibilities as a Head Lifeguard with staff supervision techniques, deck management and effective communication. Learn about staff training and development, managing risk, and implementing safety systems. 100% attendance and
participation is required. Prerequisites: 16 years old and have at least 2 years of lifeguarding experience, NL Pool (current). Recommended: LSI. FLEETWOOD 3 sessions $233.25 Sa 9:30am-4:30pm Apr 29 4529281 Sport & Leisure Aquatics
PLEASE NOTE: Course times vary with the multiple dates. Check your receipt for complete date and time listing.
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