City of Surrey 2017 - 2021 Financial Plan




 Surrey Fire Service developed a cadre of City of Surrey ‘Community Engagement Volunteers’ to deliver important Emergency Preparedness, Smoke Alarm, and Fire & Fall Prevention messages to community groups.


 Electrical Fire Safety Initiative Team’s (“EFSI”) ongoing contributions to improved environmental conditions included 80 inspections, 40 illegal grow operations detected, and 67 repair notices issued. The EFSI team is responsible for inspecting properties showing indications of escalated likelihood of safety contraventions.


 Reduced the number of non-compliant properties through inspection education strategy for commercial and multi-residential properties:  The compliancy rate at the time of an inspection has been maintained from 91% in 2015 to 90% in 2016;  Conducted an outreach initiative to 1,764 households of patrons of the Surrey Food Bank providing opportunities to educate the at-risk members of the community on the importance of a working smoke alarm;

 Reduced fire related death and injuries in residential properties:  Smoke Alarm verifications, comprised of assessing whether residential fire, have increased to 47% in 2016 through a sustained focus on HomeSafe initiatives;  An indication of these initiatives can be noted in the residential fire rate of death/injury which has decreased by 88% over the last 10 years from 2006: 1.21 per 10,000 residents to 2016: 0.15 (2015: 0.43); and  The residential fire rate has also the smoke alarm unit was functioning at the time of a

decreased by 49% over the last 10 years from 2006: 2.19 per 1,000 residential structures to 2016: 1.12. A decrease from 2015: 1.23 fires per 1,000 residential struc- tures to 2016: 1.12 was achieved despite a significant 4,410 increase to 187,893 structures in 2016.



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