City of Surrey Annual Financial Report
The Corporate Services Department delivers high quality and efficient services to our customers through a spirit of innovation and team collaboration. The department consists of key areas of our organization that support the overall core deliverables of the City including:
BYLAW ENFORCEMENT, COMPLIANCE & LICENSING The Bylaw Services Division is responsible for the enforcement of the City's regulatory bylaws, the issuance of business licenses, animal control functions, operation of the Surrey Animal Resource Centre and parking enforcement. With focus on a proactive approach, Bylaw staff focus on working with property owners to gain compliance on safety, maintenance, beautification and livability issues within the community. The division is also responsible for the City’s corporate security services. HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources provides a broad range of services and programs to both internal and external clients, including: labour and employee relations, recruitment and retention, performance coaching, employment services, compensation and benefits, occupational health and safety, diversity and inclusion, employee wellness, training and development, organizational change support, and managing the Human Resources Information Systems. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Information Technology (IT) is a strategic partner across all City business units. IT provides innovative, secure and reliable technology solutions for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the City’s internal operations and processes; and leveraging technology to deliver improved services for citizens and businesses, now and into the future.
LEGAL SERVICES Legal Services is responsible for providing legal advice to City Council and all of the City’s departments. The City’s solicitors serve as court counsel, provide legal advice and render legal opinions on a wide variety of matters along with drafting and reviewing all forms of legal and legislative documentation associated with the business of the City. LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Legislative Services is responsible for ensuring the City conducts business in accordance with all levels of government legislation. It is also responsible providing direct services to City Council, City departments and the public. Administrative support is given to Council and to the various committees and boards on which Council members sit. Legislative Services also coordinates and conducts the municipal elections every four years to elect the City’s Mayor and Council. The division also manages the City’s Corporate Records program, the City’s privacy practices, and responding to requests for information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
2 0 1 9 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S
• Celebrated 31 key cultural events and important awareness days. • Launched the Surrey Employee Excellence Awards recognizing excellence in innovation and collaboration. • Successfully negotiated the Pattullo Bridge Project with the Province.
• Securely shredded and recycled 63 tonnes of paper, with the following environmental benefits: 1,063 trees preserved, 316 cubic metres of landfill space conserved, 6.57 million litres of water saved, 41.6 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided (equivalent to taking nine cars off the road), and 143,198 KWH of electricity saved. • Took in 1,936 animals in the Surrey Animal Resource Centre. Reunited 651 animals with their owners and assisted in finding new homes for 588 more. • Developed a competency framework, Surrey’s Great 8, that has become the foundation of the City’s training and development activities. • Received formal accreditation for the City’s Emerging Leaders Program by Royal Roads University. • Launched a workplace mental health initiative, in partnership with CUPE 402, helping to build greater awareness, reduce stigma and foster a safe and supportive culture.
• Submitted a joint application to Infrastructure Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge with the City of Vancouver and were selected as a top 5 finalist. While both cities were unsuccessful at winning the competition overall, tremendous partnership framework were established.
• Upgraded WIFI at 20 new locations across the City.
• Launched the MySurrey Account providing over 34,000 residents access to many of the City’s online services using a single customer account. • Continued to expand the City’s online services with 58% of all transactions were completed by citizens using City online services. • Wrote 51,666 parking tickets, a 14% decrease from 2018. Saved resources by resolving 1,826 disputed parking tickets through the Bylaw Adjudication process.
• Provided support for the creation of the Surrey Police Department.
• Implemented the re-architecture and deployment of new firewalls, automation of security scanning and the protection of privileged accounts. • Referred 109 abandoned properties to Fire Services, 33 were subsequently demolished.
• Transitioned parking enforcement services from contracted services to Bylaw Services.
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