City of Surrey Annual Financial Report
The department of Policing Transition is responsible for the establishment of the Surrey Police Department.
The PolicingTransition department will develop and implement a new Surrey municipal police service and support the transition from RCMP to the new service. The department also provides advice and recommendations to City Council related to policies and emerging issues while providing leadership to RCMP Support Services. The RCMP Support Services Division is responsible for providing support to the operations of the RCMP members in the Surrey detachments and is part of the Policing Transition Department. The 2019 Accomplishments and Performance Measures for RCMP Support Services are located within the RCMP Departmental Overview of the Annual Financial Plan.
2 0 1 9 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S • Completed the Community Engagement Strategy Report in July 2019 summarizing the findings of community surveys and activities regarding policing transition at over 23 events across Surrey in May– June 2019. • Completed a Technical Assistance Agreement with the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Police Department culminating in the Surrey Policing Transition Plan submitted to the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General on May 22, 2019.
• Launched to provide information on the policing transition to citizens and provide key information on crime trends, demographics and other resources of relevance to the transition. • Facilitated the creation of a Pension Transfer Agreement between the BC Municipal Pension Plan and the RCMP Superannuation Fund to enable current RCMP members to transfer to the Surrey Police Department and transfer their existing pensions.
• Obtained approval from the BC Municipal Pension Plan for the City to join Group 5 on behalf of the Surrey Police Department which will enable current municipal police with pensions in Group 5 to transfer seamlessly to the Surrey Police Department with no impact on their pensions. • Supported the Provincial/Municipal Policing Transition Study Committee commissioned by the Director, Police Services, to complete its study of six key issues related to the transition. The report was completed December 24, 2019.
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