City of Surrey Fall 2018 Recreation Guide
Adults & 55+
Arts &General Interest
Ready, Set, Sew: Level 1 Learn the basics for sewing by hand, with a machine and how to read pattern instructions. Get advice from our patient teacher on how to purchase a pattern and fabric to make a skirt. CLOVERDALE 4 Sessions $60.50 16yrs+ Th 7:00pm-9:00pm Oct 11 4605792 Museum of Surrey Ready, Set, Sew: Level 2 Develop your skills and increase your confidence in this intermediate class. You can make a blouse or a vest for yourself or as a gift! CLOVERDALE 4 Sessions $60.50 16yrs+ Th 7:00pm-9:00pm Nov 8 4606143 Museum of Surrey Rug Hooking 101 This centuries-old practice is making a big comeback - but beware, you'll get hooked! In this intro class to rug hooking, you'll learn all about wool preparation, 16yrs+ Sa 10:00am-4:00pm Oct 27 4605777 Museum of Surrey Visual Arts Photography - Beginner Discover your camera's technology and improve your photo-taking skills with an emphasis on composition. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $57 Su 2:00pm-4:00pm Oct 21 4618563 Cloverdale Recreation Centre SOUTH 9 Sessions $106.50 19yrs+ Th 6:45pm-8:45pm Sep 13 4613864 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre Fabric Printing by Hand Come learn how to print on fabric! This exciting workshop will give you all the skills needed to design, print, and make your own custom textiles. Students will learn through demonstration, and hands- on textile techniques in screen printing, stamping, and stenciling. Supplies included in course fee. WHALLEY 2 Sessions $86.25 16yrs+ Sa, Su 12noon-4:00pm Sep 29 4620230 Surrey Arts Centre patterns and finishing techniques. Make a rug sampler to take home. Supply fee $100. CLOVERDALE 1 Session $38.75
Art Journalling Create art contained in a book - each page a personal masterpiece! This hands-on class will guide you through creating an art journal using collage, mark making, bookbinding, and other techniques. Art journalling is a wonderful skill builder for creatives in all mediums and of all skill levels! WHALLEY 6 Sessions $66.50 16yrs+ W 7:00pm-9:00pm Oct 24 4617361 Surrey Arts Centre See why Vancouver has been identified as one of the most dynamic cities for contemporary art! Led by the Surrey Art Gallery's curator, participants will experience art in a range of media, see what artists are making today, and learn about new gallery trends - all in a friendly, accessible, and conversational environment. WHALLEY 1 Session $39 16yrs+ W 9:00am-3:00pm Oct 24 4617189 Surrey Arts Centre Drawing Learn basics including the value scale, texture and perspectives. GUILDFORD 8 Sessions $73.50 19yrs+ Tu 7:00pm-8:30pm Sep 25 4609715 Guildford Recreation Centre Drawing for Absolute Beginners Drawing does not always have to be just pencil and paper. Explore a range of drawing techniques which will open your eyes to the world of possibilities. Discover how you can use both traditional and unexpected materials to create amazing drawings. Surrey Arts Centre instructors are experienced art educators and practicing artists. WHALLEY 8 Sessions $88.50 16yrs+ Th 7:00pm-9:00pm Oct 4 4617199 Surrey Arts Centre Contemporary Art Bus Tour
Painting with Acrylics Explore your creativity while painting with acrylics. Bring your own paintbrushes or use ones supplied. Beginners welcomed. GUILDFORD 4 Sessions Member $35.50 Non-member $47.25 55yrs+ Tu 1:00pm-3:00pm Sep 25 4613230 Tu 1:00pm-3:00pm Oct 23 4613237 Guildford Recreation Centre WHALLEY 6 Sessions $71 19yrs+ W 5:30pm-7:30pm Sep 12 4616224 W 5:30pm-7:30pm Nov 7 4616225 Bridgeview Community Centre WHALLEY 6 Sessions $71 19yrs+ M 6:00pm-8:00pm Sep 10 4616226 M 6:00pm-8:00pm Oct 29 4616227 Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre WHALLEY 4 Sessions Member $35.50 Non-member $47.25 55yrs+ W 11:00am-1:00pm Sep 5 4617152 W 11:00am-1:00pm Oct 3 4617153 W 11:00am-1:00pm Nov 7 4617156 W 11:00am-1:00pm Dec 5 4617155 Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre Abstract Painting in Oil and Acrylic Explore abstract painting through various approaches and techniques. Besides giving you a chance to express yourself through form and colour, it will help you in your realistic paintings. Use oil or acrylic - the only requirement is previous familiarity with the medium. WHALLEY 8 Sessions $73.25 16yrs+ Tu 7:00pm-9:00pm Oct 2 4614069 Surrey Arts Centre Oil Painting with Water Based Oils Do you want to paint in oils but don't like the messy clean up - this is the class for you. We use water-based oils with a fast drying medium that still have all the vibrant colours. One-on-one instruction. CLOVERDALE 8 Sessions $94.50 19yrs+ F 12:30pm-2:30pm Sep 21 4606805 Cloverdale Recreation Centre Watercolour: Expressions in Transparency Explore the spontaneous medium of watercolour with its properties of transparency and luminosity. The course will cover various subject matter such as landscape, still life, and figurative work. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are experienced art educators and practicing artists. WHALLEY 6 Sessions $99.25 16yrs+ Tu 7:00pm-9:00pm Oct 2 4617203 Surrey Arts Centre
Pottery for Beginners This course focuses on the fundamentals of the potter's wheel and hand building for absolute and returning beginners. Clay can be used in different ways to create intriguing objects; learn techniques to express your creativity in a relaxed and friendly environment. Clay and tools not included in class price. You can buy clay and a starter tool kit on-site before your class. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are experienced art educators and practicing artists. WHALLEY 10 Sessions $217.25 16yrs+ Tu 7:00pm-9:30pm Oct 2 4614064 Th 1:30pm-4:00pm Oct 4 4614062 Th 7:00pm-9:30pm Oct 4 4614063 Surrey Arts Centre Pottery Play Day Come in and play with clay! Bring your husband, girlfriend, or tween and unwind with mud after a long week. All levels welcome, as well as younger registrants -- a more flexible pottery option. Clay and tools not included in class price. You can buy clay and a starter tool kit on-site before your class. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are practicing artists and experienced at educators. WHALLEY 7 Sessions $124.25 10yrs+ Sa 2:30pm-4:30pm Oct 13 4614066 Surrey Arts Centre LOOKING FOR NORTH SURREY? North Surrey is now identified as Whalley in keeping with the City's Official Community Plan. See pages 8, 9. Continuing Pottery Practice and refine your wheel throwing and handbuilding techniques to create functional and decorative ceramic pieces. Develop your surface decorating skills using slip and glaze, as well as by adding and removing clay. Clay and tools not included in class price. You can buy clay and a starter tool kit on-site before your class. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are practicing artists and experienced art educators. WHALLEY 10 Sessions $217.25 16yrs+ W 7:00pm-9:30pm Oct 3 4614061 Surrey Arts Centre Pottery - Registered Open Studio Plus Half tailored instruction, half non- instructional time -- ideal for students with pottery experience! With an experienced instructor providing personalized instruction for the first half of the class, you can pursue wheel or hand building projects on your own for the rest of the time in this individually- paced studio setting. Clay and tools not included in class price. You can buy clay and a starter tool kit on-site before your class. WHALLEY 7 Sessions $229.25 16yrs+ Sa 10:00am-2:00pm Oct 13 4614065 Surrey Arts Centre
Multi-Media - Drawing & Painting
Learn the basics for a variety of drawing and painting media, including the value scale, texture, and perspectives. WHALLEY 6 Sessions $55.25 19yrs+ W 1:00pm-2:30pm Sep 5 4620412 W 1:00pm-2:30pm Oct 17 4620413 Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre
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Painting with Watercolours
Explore the properties, techniques and applications of water-based paint and learn about dimension, pigments, glazing, soft edges and wet on wet. CLOVERDALE 8 Sessions $94.50 19yrs+ Th 9:30am-11:30am Sep 27 4606806 Cloverdale Recreation Centre
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