City of Surrey's 2022-2026 Financial Plan
Surrey is the first city in Canada to commit to building to a Gold level using Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification TM (“RHFAC”) for all future civic facilities. The City has received an RHFAC Gold rating and now has 43 rated civic facilities, including 29 that have been certified, and five that have achieved Gold. The focus is
Award of RHFAC gold rating from the Rick Hansen Foundation
to celebrate the valuable contributions of Canadians living with disabilities, and recognize the efforts of individuals, communities and workplaces that are working to remove barriers to accessibility and inclusion; • Strengthened indigenous community engagement via ongoing dialogue to inform the design and programming of the Indigenous Carving Centre at Elgin Heritage Park/Stewart Farm. This culminated in an Indigenous Blessing Ceremony for the future venue, and provided ongoing consultation to inform the programming of the Indigenous Hall; and • The Rivers That Connect Us public artwork by k’wy’I’y’e Spring Salmon Studio (Phyllis Atkins, Drew Atkins, Aaron Jordan): Installed in March 2021, this monumental sculpture makes a significant contribution to the Cloverdale historic district, reflecting the deep Indigenous history of the land. In June 2021, at the request of the artists, the lighting colour of their artwork was changed to orange to recognize and raise awareness of the
significant impacts of residential schools in Canada. The artists want to also acknowledge and show respect to all survivors, families and Indigenous children who did not make it home.
Monumental sculpture artwork
City of Surrey | 2022—2026 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Parks, Recreation, & Culture
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