City of Surrey's 2023 Annual Financial Report


The Engineering Department provides city services in Transportation, Solid Waste, Water, Sewer, Drainage, District Energy, Land Development and the management of real estate assets. The accomplishments and goals in this section are those that relate to the divisions/sections that fall under the General Operating Fund: GIS Services, Land Development, Operations, Realty Services, Survey Services, Sustainability and Design & Construction.

GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) The GIS team manages the City’s geographic information system including tools, technology, spatial data reporting and analytics services. The section maintains the City’s flagship web map COSMOS and enterprise systems: ArcGIS, Cityworks, AMANDA and Assetworks. LAND DEVELOPMENT Land Development includes the Development Services section which prescribes the municipal infrastructure required to service land and building development. The Inspection Services section ensures infrastructure meets Council-adopted standards and requirements; and the Client Services section provides administrative support related to permits for construction in City road allowances. OPERATIONS Operations maintains the City’s engineering infrastructure including roads, drainage, sewer and water operations. This division also carries out the City’s residential waste collection services as well as manages and maintains the City’s fleet of vehicles and Engineering business enhancement initiatives. REALTY SERVICES Realty Services manages the acquisitions, dispositions, and development of the City’s real estate portfolio. The Land Acquisition Section is responsible for the timely acquisition of land and rights of-way for capital projects, park purposes and civic use. The Realty Asset Management Section manages the City’s real estate inventory including leasing and property sales.

SUSTAINABILITY Under the guidance of the Sustainability Charter 2.0, the Sustainability team implements policy and leads key strategic initiatives related to climate mitigation and adaptation. The Climate Change Action Strategy (CCAS) was adopted by Surrey City Council in July 2023, and provides a roadmap to meeting the City’s 2050 GHG targets and improving community resilience. PROJECT DELIVERY The Project Delivery division is responsible for delivering the City’s Infrastructure Capital Program for Roads, Water, Sewer, Drainage, and District Energy. This includes developing designs, construction tenders, and construction services. The team provides survey services to all City departments with a primary focus on legal services to support Engineering and Parks Recreation & Culture.


• Entered into an amended partnering agreement with Peninsula Estates Housing Society to facilitate the development of a 91-unit affordable rental apartment building in South Surrey • Entered into a partnering and lease agreement with the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation for the development and operation of a 57-unit long-term supportive housing facility in City Centre • Acquired land in the Fleetwood area to house a future Station House that will include a pedestrian bridge connecting to the future 152 Street and Fraser Highway SkyTrain Station

• Continued to develop a new digital software tool to account for drainage basin cleaning and maintenance work on 20,000+ drains annually • Completed $12.7M in parkland acquisition expenditures, resulting in additional parkland being added to the City’s inventory • Developed Engineering components of the Digital Permitting Expansion Project to improve and accelerate the development approval process • Filled 34,025 potholes and cleared 7,591 catch basins

• Received Council approval to enter into a License Agreement with Novus Entertainment Inc. and Beanfield Technologies Inc. to install, operate, and maintain telecommunication infrastructure within road allowances to increase broadband access and connectivity across the city • Upgraded and simplified the City’s Crewsheet application to understand asset condition and aid in sustainable asset management


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