City of Surrey's 2023 Annual Financial Report


RCMP The RCMP provides policing services to the City of Surrey. The Surrey detachment’s officers and support staff work with the community to identify and address local crime and safety concerns. The detachment responds to calls for service, conducts and participates in criminal investigations, intelligence gathering, enforcement operations, and works to reduce the impact of crime on the community through education and outreach. SURREY POLICE SERVICE In November 2022, Council directed City staff to prepare a plan to retain the RCMP as Police of Jurisdiction (“POJ”) in Surrey and request the Province to stop the transition and to wind down the SPS. In December 2022, a report outlining the plan was submitted to the provincial Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General (Minister). In June 2023, Council voted to reaffirm their decision to retain the RCMP as the POJ. On July 19, 2023, the Minister directed that the transition to the SPS continue. The Minister also appointed a strategic implementation advisor to aid all parties on the transition to the SPS. At that time, the Province has committed to providing the City with $150.0M to help offset the additional costs associated with the transition to the SPS; however, to date, no funding from the Province has been received. On April 23, 2024, the Province announced a transition date of November 29, 2024 for SPS to become the POJ. The Supreme Court hearing and decision is still pending. CITY POLICE SUPPORT SERVICE "City Police Support Service is responsible for operational communications (emergency 911 and non-emergency call taking and dispatch), records and exhibit management, court services, finance, information technology, crime and business analysis, facilities and fleet management, training and development, communications, and cellblock operations. The division also delivers various community services and programs including front counter services, victim services, youth intervention, restorative justice and crime prevention. This division is related to Community Services Department but has been included under Policing section for Annual Report presentation purposes.

2023 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • In partnership with the Surrey School District, hosted the 31st annual Surrey RCMP Basketball Classic, one of the biggest basketball tournaments in BC • Initiated a joint forces project in partnership with Transit Police, conducting enhanced high visibility uniformed patrols in and around the major transit hubs • Launched ‘You Etch It, We Catch It’ program during Auto Theft Enforcement Month to address the increase in catalytic converter thefts • With the launch of the Repeat Violent Offending Intervention Initiative (ReVOII) regional hub by BC Corrections, Surrey RCMP initiated efforts to identify cases involving repeat violent offenders and leverage local stakeholders to intervene at the earliest opportunity • Launched a clinical counselling pilot to provide mental health supports in the workplace for police support services staff

• Implemented a joint Surrey Bylaw & RCMP Bike Patrol program whereby Bylaw officers work in tandem with Surrey RCMP Bike Patrol members to establish an ongoing presence in community centre areas across Surrey and improve the safety and quality of life in neighborhoods • Produced a new Surrey Gang Enforcement Team (SGET) Shattering the Image video that will be delivered to students in Surrey schools as part of ongoing efforts to prevent youth involvement in gangs and gang violence • Developed and implemented a Retail Theft Strategy that focuses on stakeholder engagement with local businesses and targeted enforcement operations • Held another successful Citizen and Youth Academy which gives Surrey residents, students, and business owners an inside look at policing. During this nine week interactive program, participants received presentations and demonstrations covering a range of topics, including forensics, police dog services and traffic investigations

• Welcomed the iconic RCMP Musical Ride to the City, alongside the annual Surrey RCMP Open House. The Ride's 150th RCMP Anniversary Tour stopped at the Stetson Bowl in Cloverdale for two days as part of their BC tour. The Open House was held at the Stetson Bowl during both days, with the usual attractions of displays, booths and activities that highlight Detachment programs and operations, as well as the RCMP’s integrated, provincial and national teams • Launched a workplace clinical counselling pilot to provide mental health supports to municipal employees at the Detachment • Implemented HealthIM to improve response to individuals in acute crisis due to mental health challenges. HealthIM is an application police use when attending mental health calls to conduct a risk assessment that assists with making an informed apprehension or a support referral. HealthIM interfaces in real time with Fraser Health professionals to assist in the medical triage and assessment process


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