City of Surrey's 2023 Annual Financial Report


Guiding Documents The City of Surrey has two key corporate level strategic frameworks: Sustainability Charter 2.0 (primarily outward or community focused) and Surrey Excels (primarily inward focused). The vision, goals, and desired outcomes presented in the Sustainability Charter 2.0 articulate what we want to see for our whole community, looking ahead over the next 40 years. Our Strategic Goals reflect the vision statement of a Thriving, Green, Inclusive City, and is organized around eight community themes, as illustrated below, for a more holistic way of considering sustainability and the interconnected systems in our community. Successful implementation of this ambitious vision needs the support and involvement of all partners in Surrey including local businesses, residents and community groups. Surrey Excels aligns strongly with the Sustainability Charter 2.0. Surrey Excels is a balanced scorecard that sets out the City’s internal strategic objectives, initiatives and measures. Surrey Excels is organized into a tiered structure, with Tier 1 at the corporate level and Tier 2 at the departmental level. Each of the strategic initiatives and measures identified in Surrey Excels fits into one or more of the eight themes of the Sustainability Charter 2.0. These provide the strategic direction and priorities of the City, which are facilitated through the delivery of the Five-Year Financial Plan and the annual budgets of the City.

Our Strategic Goals

INCLUSION A caring community that encourages a sense of place of belonging and access to opportunity for all Surrey realize their full potential. ECONOMIC PROSPERITY AND LIVELIHOOD Continued prosperity and thriving livelihoods and a strong, equitable and diverse economy. HEALTH AND WELLNESS A community in which all residents are healthy, active and connected. BUILT ENVIRONMENTS AND NEIGHBOURHOODS A beautiful, accessible and well connected city of distinct and complete neighbourhoods that are walkable, engaging and resilient.

ECOSYSTEMS Healthy, protected and well maintained ecosystems and biodiversity. INFRASTRUCTURE Effective infrastructure and services that meet the current and future needs of the city, while protecting the natural environment and supporting urban growth. PUBLIC SAFETY A city in which all people live, work, learn and play in a safe and engaging environment. EDUCATION AND CULTURE Access to diverse, high quality learning opportunities, and vibrant arts, heritage and cultural experiences for all Surrey residents.

Strategic Plan & Goals Official Community Plan, Sustainability Charter, Transportation Strategic Plan and others.

Surrey Excels Our Corporate Strategy Our organizational priorities: • A Vibrant Downtown • Livable, Equitable, Connected Neighborhoods • Housing for All • Exceptional Public Safety

Our Values The City of Surrey's values guide the way we serve our residents, engage with our community and work with each other.

How We Will Achieve Our Vision of a Thriving, Green, Inclusive City Surrey is a forward

thinking, globally recognized leader in building vibrant,


• Community • Innovation • Integrity • Service • Teamwork

sustainable communities through technology and innovation.

• Service Excellence • Employer of Choice


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